I have a quick simple question..

I would like to know how to reference a list.


If (this is VikingSword || this is broadsword || this is mysword || Etc )

is there s way i can reference a list else where in the document instead of updating this directly? since the list could be used in more area's that would be helpful..
I think you mean this

public static Type[] WeapTypeA { get { return m_WeapTypeA; } }

private static readonly Type[] m_WeapTypeA= new[]
typeof(Axe), typeof(BattleAxe), typeof(DoubleAxe), typeof(ExecutionersAxe), typeof(GargishAxe),
typeof(GargishBattleAxe), typeof(GuardianAxe), typeof(HeavyOrnateAxe), typeof(JadeWarAxe),
typeof(LargeBattleAxe), typeof(Pickaxe), typeof(SingingAxe), typeof(ThunderingAxe), typeof(TwoHandedAxe),

I can't remember the exact "phrasing" to use but I believe it was

if( WeapTypeA contains this )
I think you mean this

public static Type[] WeapTypeA { get { return m_WeapTypeA; } }

private static readonly Type[] m_WeapTypeA= new[]
typeof(Axe), typeof(BattleAxe), typeof(DoubleAxe), typeof(ExecutionersAxe), typeof(GargishAxe),
typeof(GargishBattleAxe), typeof(GuardianAxe), typeof(HeavyOrnateAxe), typeof(JadeWarAxe),
typeof(LargeBattleAxe), typeof(Pickaxe), typeof(SingingAxe), typeof(ThunderingAxe), typeof(TwoHandedAxe),

I can't remember the exact "phrasing" to use but I believe it was

if( WeapTypeA contains this )

This is a great start.

It's not so obvious but a simple 'contains' check won't be enough to implement the logic applied by an 'is' check in the original 'if' statement.

'is' checks Type hierarchy, so we need to devise a way to do that with the list too.

private static Type[] _Types = new[] { typeof(Longsword), typeof(BaseRanged), typeof(PlateChest) };

public static bool IsValidType( Type test )
	foreach ( var type in _Types )
		if ( test == type || test.IsSubClassOf( type ) ) // 'is' functionality: ( test is type )
			return true;

	return false;

var validType = IsValidType( item.GetType( ) );

if ( isValidType )
	// true
Thanks guys! :) that got me what I needed, its easier to reference a list then having to add in all that extra code...
A rule I've adopted is that any time I find myself repeating the same line of code multiple times, I figure out a way to turn it into one line of code or at least send to another method to do the base of the work.
I inserted the code (looks correct from what what put above) and it kicked back this error.

+ BaseClasses/BaseArmor.cs:
    CS1061: Line 28: 'System.Type' does not contain a definition for 'IsSubClassOf' and no extension method 'IsSubClassOf' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Type' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
it would help if we could see your code

this may help you

public static BulkGenericType Classify(BODType deedType, Type itemType)
            if (deedType == BODType.Tailor)
if (itemType == null || itemType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseArmor)) || itemType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseShoes)))

as for the code I posted earlier, this is how I used it in a OnWeaponHit method
if( WeapTypeA.Contains (weapon.GetType()))
Awesome, ty :) I fixed the typo, for usage i had to change item to this, to refrence baseweapon and it worked.

            var validType = IsValidType( this.GetType( ) );
            if ( validType )
                from.SendMessage( "LETS TEST THIS OUT!!!!" );