What is the process of the server calling on the methods in RegenRates.cs? When adding regen properties (+hp, stam, or mana regen) to the player through putting on a ring, or bracelet, there is an unpredictable delay in when the new regen rate will take effect. Thanks.
I think it is in the Mobile.cs, in the core files.
Can't say for sure since i just use RunUO, but that would be a start.
Yeah I have seen the timers in Mobile.cs. Just curious because I inserted a check that will see if the mobile is in combat. If not in combat no attributes will regenerate. It works fine; however, the logic doesn't work until a few seconds after a mobile enters or leaves combat. Sometimes it works after 1 second, sometimes after 30. I'll figure it out eventually just curious if anyone knew. Thanks for the quick response btw.
After you add the regen property are you calling InvalidateProperties() ? Until you call this things won't update. I learned this through several hours of close head-to-desk contact :)
Samuel, also, you can override the regen stuffs directly in playermobile to avoid core edits if you're inclined to care about that. I never minded them, but I'm led to believe I'm in the minority.