Anyone else having any problems when adding new region controllers? I fenced off a room in doom on Malas2, and threw a region controller up to prevent marking and such, in the pic you see me standing on the floor, and all the region controls work fine, but when my Z changes, the region controls are no longer in effect. see the pedestal in the middle of the pic? i step up on that, and i can mark, the abbitors at either end do the same thing, when im standing on them, i can mark, when i step down i cannot. ive looked over my region controller numerous times, and dont see what i could be missing.


I have it set up to show entry and exit messages as you can see in the bottom left corner it says i have left the area. and can now mark..





I dont know if im missing something, or if its a bug..

I took a custom picture to explain this:

Your issue is the last number.

When you step onto a Z that places you higher than the region it "thinks" you are in, you technically leave the region.

Go to the starting point of your region and [props yourself.

Find your Z then say [set z (thenumber plus 5) so if your region is 0 say [set z 5

Now start your region box and then you can walk to your other point and set it. That should fix your problem. Reach out to me over Discord if you need more help with this.

The whole system is pretty outdated though. Better to hard code these regions however it is still nice for on the fly regions, for systems you do not plan on being there a long time.