Hello I have been modifying the list that comes up when a player clicks his character (open backpack, open paper doll,etc.) and I have been able to add or remove everything I wanted except for the "Toggle Quest Item". I cannot find the entry in playermobile.cs under GetContentMenuEntries or anywhere else. I looked up the Cliloc number in fiddler and searched my script directory but no dice. It is not a huge deal but one of those things that got my attention and now I cant quit. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe check here ServUO/Scripts/Services/Quests/Mondain's Legacy/Helpers/QuestHelper.cs
If this is what your maybe looking for

his.Owner.From.SendLocalizedMessage(1072352); // Target the item you wish to toggle Quest Item status on <ESC> to cancel
this.Owner.From.BeginTarget(-1, false, TargetFlags.None, new TargetCallback(ToggleQuestItem_Callback));

private void ToggleQuestItem_Callback(Mobile from, object obj)
if (from is PlayerMobile)
PlayerMobile player = (PlayerMobile)from;

if (obj is Item)
Item item = (Item)obj;

if (item.IsChildOf(player.Backpack))
if (!QuestHelper.CheckItem(player, item))
player.SendLocalizedMessage(1072355, null, 0x23); // That item does not match any of your quest criteria

As Milva said, QuestHelper.cs:

  public static void GetContextMenuEntries(List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
  	if (list == null)
  	list.Add(new SelectQuestItem());

  public class SelectQuestItem : ContextMenuEntry
  	public SelectQuestItem()
		 : base(6169)

  public override void OnClick()
	 if (!this.Owner.From.Alive)
  	this.Owner.From.SendLocalizedMessage(1072352); // Target the item you wish to toggle Quest Item status on <ESC> to cancel      
  	this.Owner.From.BeginTarget(-1, false, TargetFlags.None, new TargetCallback(ToggleQuestItem_Callback));

  private void ToggleQuestItem_Callback(Mobile from, object obj)
  	if (from is PlayerMobile)
  		PlayerMobile player = (PlayerMobile)from;
		 if (obj is Item)
			 Item item = (Item)obj;
  			if (item.IsChildOf(player.Backpack))
  				if (!QuestHelper.CheckItem(player, item))
  					player.SendLocalizedMessage(1072355, null, 0x23); // That item does not match any of your quest criteria
  		player.SendLocalizedMessage(1074769); // An item must be in your backpack (and not in a container within) to be toggled as a quest item.
  		player.BeginTarget(-1, false, TargetFlags.None, new TargetCallback(ToggleQuestItem_Callback));

And in Playermobile.cs:

        if (m_Quest != null)