I've searched but haven't found an answer. I have a custom shard (long in development) and I'm wanting to rename the maps. This is easy enough (if not tedious) to do in the core and scripts. I'm just unsure if the ultima.dll file has conflicts. Has anyone done this before? Do I just need to change the names in all the .cs files and the client will have no issue?

Messing with same idea ,, We got the names changed on citys but haven't started on facets yet ,, tram ,,fel ,,ilsh ect so far city names is working not to bad to change If We make progress on maps or You do Would like to share the info
The client only cares about the map file index, everything else is purely for managing game-play server-side.

You don't really have to rename all the variables/properties/fields, but you can edit MapDefinitions.cs and change the name strings... just be careful, because it will affect how commands are interpreted, etc. When chaning the facet name strings, you should update Regions.xml if you have/use one - some of the nodes reference the original facet names.