I was just wondering for those wanting to hand Updatte their ServUo servers from repo if possibly a ChangeLog could be added as part as Default with Future ServUo Releases..thing this would make it greatly less time consuming for future Merging Server File with Newly Added Repo Files...

just a Thought...I know this once was Brought up along time ago for RunUo but nothing came of it..was Wondering and Hoping this could be added for Future ServUo releases..
every time a change is made its a new commit, so you have your change log right there, along with the exact code that was changed each commit, far better than a forgotten to be updated change log text file. just checkout sphere's changelog for why it isnt a great idea.

As for merging im not sure how the best way to go about it is when your a large way off master. Guess it depends how much you've changed core scripts, if not much your probably best to start with servuo and lay your changes on top.

But once your up to date it should be relativity simple to pull changes from master and keep your own branch up to date merging any changes. pull, rebase, solve any conflicts, done.