Hello, I hope this is the right spot for this question. I have a SERVUO server pretty current release, and the dang Sacred Quest isn't working. I have a shrineofsingularity placed ( I made sure both the shrineofsingularity.cs and the questofsingularity.cs are current to the repo as of 7/10/2021. When a player says the word "unorus" there is no quest given. Any help would be appreciated.

You have to do the prequest before doing sacred quest. The prequest comes from the quest giver by the moongate, who sends you to the guy by the Shrine of Singularity.
The start of it is a gargoyle standing on the steps between the moongate and royal city. He sends you to another gargoyle in one of the buildings in holy city who has you kill some things. After turning that quest in you can do the sacred quest
Jolly. I will give it a shot. This was coming from a player request saying he couldn't get it to work so I will try it.
Thanks for the point in the right direction. Doing the prequest worked. I did find that the spawns in the holy city are mucked up. If you kill anything on the prequest before you get the Nox guys quest and it hasn't respawned then you may not get enough mobs to spawn to fulfill the quest. You would either have to drop the quest and pick it back up after the mobs respawn or make those spawners not conditional any more.
Wrong. The mobs inside Holy City only spawn at night time in game time. Also you can fight the mobs inside the Tomb of Kings prior to completing the quest. The code words to bypass the fire are "Ord" and "Anord". Ord on the north platform, Anord on the south platform. ;-)