So I'm working on this shard and have tried multiple scripts that I got from from resources. When I try to use the commands for the scripts in game the server acts like they don't exist. For example, I put in the runelibrary script and put it's data in the data folder and it says to put the scripts anyone in the scripts folder, but when I goto use the command [RuneLibraryDungeonsTrammel it says this is not a valid command. Am I missing something here? In the script description it says it's a simple plug and play. This has happened with every script I tried to put on the server i'm working on and I simply don't understand why none of them will work.
I figured it out, I have a developer character as well. And I put everything in the necessary folders. For the rune library there was text documents that had to go into the data folder, I put the scripts in the actually script folder and now everything is working great :) Thank you guys so much for the help, I'm sorry I'm new to this but I have learned a lot within the past few days.