I added in Levelable Items System in today. I used a Level Item Deed to level a bardiche and it applied. When I go to check the info on it the Server Crashes! Here's my crash report. It looks like the problem is with the Item Experience Gump... help please!
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Server.Items.Bardiche' to type 'Server.Items.ILevelable'.
at Server.Gumps.ItemExperienceGump.CreateItemExpList()
at Server.Gumps.ItemExperienceGump..ctor(Mobile from, Item item, AttributeCategory cat, GumpPage page)
at Server.ContextMenus.LevelInfoEntry.OnClick()
at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.ContextMenuResponse(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc) in D:\Users\6Core\Downloads\Dragons-Legacy-Alpha-1.0a-master\Dragons-Legacy-Alpha-1.0a-master\Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs:line 2135
at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns) in D:\Users\6Core\Downloads\Dragons-Legacy-Alpha-1.0a-master\Dragons-Legacy-Alpha-1.0a-master\Server\Network\MessagePump.cs:line 187
at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice() in D:\Users\6Core\Downloads\Dragons-Legacy-Alpha-1.0a-master\Dragons-Legacy-Alpha-1.0a-master\Server\Network\MessagePump.cs:line 115
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in D:\Users\6Core\Downloads\Dragons-Legacy-Alpha-1.0a-master\Dragons-Legacy-Alpha-1.0a-master\Server\Main.cs:line 579

Here's my file uploaded:


  • ItemExperienceGump.cs
    23.9 KB · Views: 3
Yes sir:
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Gumps;

namespace Server.Gumps
    #region " Gump "
    public class ItemExperienceGump : Gump
        private Mobile m_From;
        private Item m_Item;
        private AttributeCategory m_Cat;
        private GumpPage m_Page;

        private const int LabelHue = 0x480;
        private const int TitleHue = 0x12B;

        private enum GumpPage

        public ItemExperienceGump( Mobile from, Item item, AttributeCategory cat ) : this( from, item, cat, GumpPage.None )

        private ItemExperienceGump( Mobile from, Item item, AttributeCategory cat, GumpPage page ) : base( 40, 40 )
            m_From = from;
            m_Item = item;
            m_Cat = cat;
            m_Page = page;

            from.CloseGump( typeof( ItemExperienceGump ) );


            AddBackground(50, 35, 540, 382, 9270);
            AddAlphaRegion(66, 91, 219, 170);
            AddAlphaRegion(66, 49, 508, 34);
            AddAlphaRegion(292, 91, 283, 279);
            AddAlphaRegion(66, 269, 219, 101);

            AddLabel(262, 56, TitleHue, @"Item Experience");

            AddLabel(136, 93, TitleHue, @"Categories");
            AddButton(75, 116, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 0 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(112, 117, LabelHue, @"Melee Attributes");
            AddButton(75, 138, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 1 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(112, 139, LabelHue, @"Magic Attributes");
            AddButton(75, 160, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 2 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(112, 161, LabelHue, @"Character Stats");
            AddButton(75, 182, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 3 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(112, 183, LabelHue, @"Resistances");
            if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
                AddButton(75, 204, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 4 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(112, 205, LabelHue, @"Weapon Hits");
            AddButton(75, 226, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 1, 5 ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(112, 227, LabelHue, @"Misc. Attributes");

            AddLabel(394, 93, TitleHue, @"Attributes");

            AddImage(0, 4, 10440);
            AddImage(554, 4, 10441);


            AddButton(280, 379, 241, 243, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Cancel

            if ( page == GumpPage.AttributeList )
                CreateAttributeList( cat );

        public void CreateItemExpList()
            ILevelable levitem = (ILevelable)m_Item;

            AddLabel(75, 275, LabelHue, @"Max levels on item:");
            AddLabel(198, 275, LabelHue, levitem.MaxLevel.ToString());

            AddLabel(75, 297, LabelHue, @"Experience:");
            AddLabel(154, 297, LabelHue, levitem.Experience.ToString());

            int tolevel = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < LevelItemManager.ExpTable.Length; ++i)
                if (levitem.Experience < LevelItemManager.ExpTable[i])
                    tolevel = LevelItemManager.ExpTable[i] - levitem.Experience;
            AddLabel(75, 319, LabelHue, @"Exp. to next level:");
            AddLabel(191, 319, LabelHue, tolevel.ToString());

            AddLabel(75, 341, LabelHue, @"Spending Points(sp) Avail:");
            AddLabel(230, 341, LabelHue, levitem.Points.ToString());

        public void CreateAttributeList( AttributeCategory cat )
            int index = 0;
            int pageindex;
            int attrvalue;

            for ( int i = 0; i < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes.Length; ++i )
                if (LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Category == cat)
                    pageindex = index % 10;

                    if ( pageindex == 0 )
                        if ( index > 0 )
                            AddButton(536, 343, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (index / 10) + 1);
                            AddLabel(497, 344, LabelHue, @"Next");

                        AddPage( (index / 10) + 1 );

                        if ( index > 0 )
                            AddButton(301, 343, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index / 10);
                            AddLabel(337, 344, LabelHue, @"Previous");

                    if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
                        attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Attribute];
                    else if (m_Item is BaseArmor)
                        attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Attribute];
                    else if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
                        attrvalue = ((BaseJewel)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Attribute];
                    else if (m_Item is BaseClothing)
                        attrvalue = ((BaseClothing)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Attribute];

                    if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_MaxValue)
                        AddButton(301, 116 + (pageindex * 20), 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 2, i ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddLabel(337, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_Name+" ("+GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[i].m_XP)+"sp)");
                    AddLabel(540, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, attrvalue.ToString());


            if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
                for (int i = 0; i < LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes.Length; ++i)
                    if (LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_Category == cat)
                        pageindex = index % 10;

                        if (pageindex == 0)
                            if (index > 0)
                                AddButton(536, 343, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (index / 10) + 1);
                                AddLabel(497, 344, LabelHue, @"Next");

                            AddPage((index / 10) + 1);

                            if (index > 0)
                                AddButton(301, 343, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index / 10);
                                AddLabel(337, 344, LabelHue, @"Previous");

                        if (LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_Attribute == AosWeaponAttribute.DurabilityBonus)
                            attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).MaxHitPoints;
                            attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).WeaponAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_Attribute];
                        if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_MaxValue)
                            AddButton(301, 116 + (pageindex * 20), 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(3, i), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                        AddLabel(337, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_Name+" ("+GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[i].m_XP)+"sp)");
                        AddLabel(540, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, attrvalue.ToString());

            else if (m_Item is BaseArmor)
                if (cat == AttributeCategory.Resists)
                    for (int i = 0; i < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes.Length; ++i)
                        pageindex = index % 10;

                        if (pageindex == 0)
                            if (index > 0)
                                AddButton(536, 343, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (index / 10) + 1);
                                AddLabel(497, 344, LabelHue, @"Next");

                            AddPage((index / 10) + 1);

                            if (index > 0)
                                AddButton(301, 343, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index / 10);
                                AddLabel(337, 344, LabelHue, @"Previous");

                        if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Physical)
                            attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).PhysicalBonus;
                        else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Fire)
                            attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).FireBonus;
                        else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Cold)
                            attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).ColdBonus;
                        else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Poison)
                            attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).PoisonBonus;
                        else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Energy)
                            attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).EnergyBonus;
                            attrvalue = 0;

                        if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_MaxValue)
                            AddButton(301, 116 + (pageindex * 20), 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(5, i), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        AddLabel(337, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_Name+" ("+GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[i].m_XP)+"sp)");
                        AddLabel(540, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, attrvalue.ToString());


                    for (int i = 0; i < LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes.Length; ++i)
                        if (LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_Category == cat)
                            pageindex = index % 10;

                            if (pageindex == 0)
                                if (index > 0)
                                    AddButton(536, 343, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (index / 10) + 1);
                                    AddLabel(497, 344, LabelHue, @"Next");

                                AddPage((index / 10) + 1);

                                if (index > 0)
                                    AddButton(301, 343, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index / 10);
                                    AddLabel(337, 344, LabelHue, @"Previous");

                            if (LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_Attribute == AosArmorAttribute.DurabilityBonus)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).MaxHitPoints;
                                attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).ArmorAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_Attribute];
                            if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_MaxValue)
                                AddButton(301, 116 + (pageindex * 20), 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(4, i), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                            AddLabel(337, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_Name+" ("+GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[i].m_XP)+"sp)");
                            AddLabel(540, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, attrvalue.ToString());

            else if (m_Item is BaseJewel || m_Item is BaseClothing)
                if (cat == AttributeCategory.Resists)
                    for (int i = 0; i < LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes.Length; ++i)
                        pageindex = index % 10;

                        if (pageindex == 0)
                            if (index > 0)
                                AddButton(536, 343, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (index / 10) + 1);
                                AddLabel(497, 344, LabelHue, @"Next");

                            AddPage((index / 10) + 1);

                            if (index > 0)
                                AddButton(301, 343, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index / 10);
                                AddLabel(337, 344, LabelHue, @"Previous");

                        if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
                            attrvalue = ((BaseJewel)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[i].m_Attribute];
                            attrvalue = ((BaseClothing)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[i].m_Attribute];

                        if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[i].m_MaxValue)
                            AddButton(301, 116 + (pageindex * 20), 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(6, i), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        AddLabel(337, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[i].m_Name+" ("+GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[i].m_XP)+"sp)");
                        AddLabel(540, 117 + (pageindex * 20), LabelHue, attrvalue.ToString());


        public static int GetPointCost(Item m_Item, int xp)
            int cost = xp;

            if (LevelItems.DoubleArtifactCost)
                if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
                    if (((BaseWeapon)m_Item).ArtifactRarity > 0)
                        cost *= 2;
                else if (m_Item is BaseArmor)
                    if (((BaseArmor)m_Item).ArtifactRarity > 0)
                        cost *= 2;
                else if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
                    if (((BaseJewel)m_Item).ArtifactRarity > 0)
                        cost *= 2;
                    if (((BaseClothing)m_Item).ArtifactRarity > 0)
                        cost *= 2;

            return cost;

        public static int GetButtonID( int type, int index )
            return 1 + type + (index * 7);

        public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
            if ( info.ButtonID <= 0 )
                return; // Canceled

            ILevelable levitem = (ILevelable)m_Item;

            int buttonID = info.ButtonID - 1;
            int type = buttonID % 7;
            int index = buttonID / 7;

            int cost = 0;
            int attrvalue = 0;

            switch ( type )
                case 0: // Cancel
                case 1: // Select Attribute Type
                    switch ( index )
                        case 0: // Melee
                            m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Melee, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );

                        case 1: // Magic
                            m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Magic, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );

                        case 2: // Char Stats
                            m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Stats, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );

                        case 3: // Resistances
                            m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Resists, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );

                        case 4: // Weapon Hits
                            m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Hits, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );

                        case 5: // Misc.
                            m_From.SendGump( new ItemExperienceGump( m_From, m_Item, AttributeCategory.Misc, GumpPage.AttributeList ) );



                case 2: // Attribute selected
                    cost = GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_XP);

                    if ((levitem.Points - cost) >= 0)
                        //add point to selected attribute
                        if (index >= 0 && index < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes.Length)
                            if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute];
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                            else if (m_Item is BaseArmor)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute];
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseArmor)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                            else if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseJewel)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute];
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseJewel)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                            else if (m_Item is BaseClothing)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseClothing)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute];
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseClothing)m_Item).Attributes[LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                        m_From.SendMessage("You don't have enough points available!  This attribute costs "+cost+" points.");

                    m_From.SendGump(new ItemExperienceGump(m_From, m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_Attributes[index].m_Category, GumpPage.AttributeList));

                case 3: // WeaponAttribute selected
                    cost = GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_XP);

                    if ((levitem.Points - cost) >= 0)
                        //add point to selected weapon attribute
                        if (index >= 0 && index < LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes.Length)
                            if (LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_Attribute == AosWeaponAttribute.DurabilityBonus)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).MaxHitPoints;
                                attrvalue = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).WeaponAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_Attribute];

                            if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).WeaponAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
                                levitem.Points -= cost;
                        m_From.SendMessage("You don't have enough points available!  This attribute costs "+cost+" points.");

                    m_From.SendGump(new ItemExperienceGump(m_From, m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_WeaponAttributes[index].m_Category, GumpPage.AttributeList));

                case 4: // Armor Attributes Selected
                    cost = GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_XP);
                    if ((levitem.Points - cost) >= 0)
                        //add point to selected weapon attribute
                        if (index >= 0 && index < LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes.Length)
                            if (LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_Attribute == AosArmorAttribute.DurabilityBonus)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).MaxHitPoints;
                                attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).ArmorAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_Attribute];

                            if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                ((BaseArmor)m_Item).ArmorAttributes[LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
                                levitem.Points -= cost;
                        m_From.SendMessage("You don't have enough points available!  This attribute costs "+cost+" points.");

                    m_From.SendGump(new ItemExperienceGump(m_From, m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ArmorAttributes[index].m_Category, GumpPage.AttributeList));

                case 5: // Armor Resists Selected
                    cost = GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_XP);
                    if ((levitem.Points - cost) >= 0)
                        //add point to selected weapon attribute
                        if (index >= 0 && index < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes.Length)
                            if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Physical)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).PhysicalBonus;
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseArmor)m_Item).PhysicalBonus += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                            else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Fire)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).FireBonus;
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseArmor)m_Item).FireBonus += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                            else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Cold)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).ColdBonus;
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseArmor)m_Item).ColdBonus += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                            else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Poison)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).PoisonBonus;
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseArmor)m_Item).PoisonBonus += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                            else if (LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Attribute == ResistanceType.Energy)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).EnergyBonus;
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseArmor)m_Item).EnergyBonus += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                        m_From.SendMessage("You don't have enough points available!  This attribute costs "+cost+" points.");

                    m_From.SendGump(new ItemExperienceGump(m_From, m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ResistanceTypes[index].m_Category, GumpPage.AttributeList));

                case 6: // Jewelry & Clothing Resists Selected
                    cost = GetPointCost(m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_XP);
                    if ((levitem.Points - cost) >= 0)
                        //add point to selected weapon attribute
                        if (index >= 0 && index < LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes.Length)
                            if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
                                attrvalue = ((BaseJewel)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_Attribute];
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseJewel)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                                attrvalue = ((BaseClothing)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_Attribute];
                                if (attrvalue < LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_MaxValue)
                                    ((BaseClothing)m_Item).Resistances[LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_Attribute] += 1;
                                    levitem.Points -= cost;
                        m_From.SendMessage("You don't have enough points available!  This attribute costs "+cost+" points.");

                    m_From.SendGump(new ItemExperienceGump(m_From, m_Item, LevelAttributes.m_ElementAttributes[index].m_Category, GumpPage.AttributeList));

and you're using the ILevelable.cs that comes with the servuo repo?

XmlLevelItem levitem = XmlAttach.FindAttachment(item, typeof(XmlLevelItem)) as XmlLevelItem;

if ( m_Item== null && levitem == null)

those should replace this line: ILevelable levitem = (ILevelable)m_Item; in CreateItemExpList

and you'll also need to add: using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;
and you're using the ILevelable.cs that comes with the servuo repo?

XmlLevelItem levitem = XmlAttach.FindAttachment(item, typeof(XmlLevelItem)) as XmlLevelItem;

if ( m_Item== null && levitem == null)

those should replace this line: ILevelable levitem = (ILevelable)m_Item; in CreateItemExpList

and you'll also need to add: using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;
[doublepost=1520459401][/doublepost]Yes, using ILevelable. Ty... I'll try that
[doublepost=1520462076][/doublepost]Did it and got an error:
+ Custom/Levelable Items/Gumps/ItemExperienceGump.cs:
CS0103: Line 88: The name 'item' does not exist in the current context
[doublepost=1520467725][/doublepost]I figured it out... it compiled! ty for your help
[doublepost=1520469852][/doublepost]I put m_item in the spot where there was item and it doesn't crash the server. I tried 2 different weapons where Level Item Deeds were applied and neither one gains Exp Pts.

Wow! Now the weapons that came with the Level Item System CRASHED the server when you check their Info. Here's what I did... maybe it's wrong!

XmlLevelItem levitem = XmlAttach.FindAttachment(m_Item, typeof(XmlLevelItem)) as XmlLevelItem;

if ( m_Item== null && levitem == null)
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