Hi Guys,

Will OSI systems--like the imbuing, new boats--ever be combined with the official ServUO releases? Or is this something we will have to merge on our own? Thanks.
OSI is long gone. EA now owns OSI and UO. OSI didn't make SA or high seas, EA did. I know this is a hard concept for people to accept but OSI is an outdated term. (also this line isn't directly at you samuel)

People are working on getting the boats and imbuing as bug free as possible before sending it to the ServUO devs for review.
They also have to make sure that they are accurate to the live EA server.
Boats: http://www.servuo.com/archive/new-boats-and-galleons-with-smoothmove-and-mousecontrol.65/
Imbuing: there currently isn't one single imbuing attempt. If you search the forums you'll find one that was converted from runuo and another one with little details.
Hank, I understand what you are saying but the fact of the matter is that OSI is a commonly accepted term for Official Ultima Online. Can we not get upset about things like that. Otherwise Helpful post.

Also Samuel, Yes, we are working on it. I'm currently heavily focused on fixing all existing bugs, then we can work on new features like that.