Hey guys i am trying to get a bare server up and going.
I dl the master files for ServUo and i get this error when i try to load up server any help apreciated :)

C:\Users\Tim & Sam\Desktop\ServUO-master>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0
.30319\csc.exe /win32icon:"C:\Users\Tim Server\servuo.ico" /r:"C:\Users\Tim Seve
nZipSharp.dll" /target:exe /out:"C:\Users\Tim EmergencyBackup.exe" /recurse:"C:\
Users\Tim EmergencyBackup\*.cs" /nowarn:0618 /debug /nologo /optimize /unsafe
warning CS2008: No source files specified
error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\Users\Tim SevenZipSharp.dll' could not be found

Be sure to click on the ServUO.exe not the ServUObackup exe
If this is not your problem please give more information of which windows your using :)
I'm having a small issue with this also.

I downloaded the ServUO Master Zip but when I unpack it, I don't see any exe files.
With ServUO You have to compile the server before you can start it up.

Use either, Compile.MONO.bat or the Compile.WIN.bat

it will compile and put in a ServerUO.exe