Hail All,

Firstly, Hopefully this is posted in the right category forums. I am using a Servuo pub 54 version which contains many custom scripts therefore I do not pull from the current git hub for updates, I choose to do things manually. Now for my question, What is the latest version of Servuo for those who don't pull from the git hub? I do see the updates posted on these forums that reference publish updates to Servuo in example "Publish 54.59". When starting my server this is the version info I see on the console: Servuo version 0.5 build 5150.38047, how far back am I?

You should still be pulling from GitHub with a custom server. Git programs such as GitExtensions/KDiff and Sourcetree allow you to pull from the repo without overwriting your custom code, in literally seconds. My server is HIGHLY customized, the core, distro's and upteen hundred custom .cs files and I've never once had an issue with SourceTree auto-merging for me. If you're still anxious about it, simply clone your local files into a second set of files and pull from the origin to one of them to make sure it all looks copacetic before you move forward. Not using the available tech for what its intended is one of the biggest time wasters for development. You'll save yourself countless hours over the course of working on your shard if you give it a go.
You should still be pulling from GitHub with a custom server. Git programs such as GitExtensions/KDiff and Sourcetree allow you to pull from the repo without overwriting your custom code, in literally seconds. My server is HIGHLY customized, the core, distro's and upteen hundred custom .cs files and I've never once had an issue with SourceTree auto-merging for me. If you're still anxious about it, simply clone your local files into a second set of files and pull from the origin to one of them to make sure it all looks copacetic before you move forward. Not using the available tech for what its intended is one of the biggest time wasters for development. You'll save yourself countless hours over the course of working on your shard if you give it a go.


Will give it a try, thanks!