I created this feature as an addition to our Haunted House/Army of Darkness chain quest that was made (And then fixed again, because it was kinda rushed) in October of last year,
SETONTRIGMOB/MSG/*You nick yourself on a poisoned branch*
Proximity spawner - MinMaxDelay = 0
MinMax Refract =5 seconds (To prevent double fires)
ProxRange 2
ProxSound 458
To reset the trees upon each pass. (Place proxy spawners either end)
Minmax delay 0
ProxRange 2
Proxsound -1
You can name the spawners you wish it to trigger instead of using the Serial number, however, if someone accidentally renamed renames it (Which is very easily done) that entry will no long work.
To find the serial quickly, use the command [get serial
That's basics of it anyway. Very simple and has a few applications. Here I used it to give the illusion of a having to negotiate pass through a poisoned tree path:
*Skip to the 2:00 mark for the trees. Or watch the whole thing, it's all fine
SETONTRIGMOB/MSG/*You nick yourself on a poisoned branch*
Proximity spawner - MinMaxDelay = 0
MinMax Refract =5 seconds (To prevent double fires)
ProxRange 2
ProxSound 458
To reset the trees upon each pass. (Place proxy spawners either end)
Minmax delay 0
ProxRange 2
Proxsound -1
You can name the spawners you wish it to trigger instead of using the Serial number, however, if someone accidentally renamed renames it (Which is very easily done) that entry will no long work.
To find the serial quickly, use the command [get serial
That's basics of it anyway. Very simple and has a few applications. Here I used it to give the illusion of a having to negotiate pass through a poisoned tree path:
*Skip to the 2:00 mark for the trees. Or watch the whole thing, it's all fine
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