Laoth submitted a new resource:

Simple wooden crates - Simple wooden crates, empty and with fruits and vegetables

Hi there!

I decided to follow my beloved Ems here. We have been drawing together for a few years on the same UO shard. Time really flies.
I have been doing a pixel UO graphic for 12 years (damn, I feel old, lol) and thought it was time to leave my dark, solitary pixel cave and join your community here :)
As my offering, here are some of my first pieces from 10–12 years ago. They are not perfect, but I like them as they are. A little...

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Honestly, I love these quite a lot, it fits the UO Aesthetics, also art is not meant to be perfect, if art is always "perfect" then you lose the characteristics of the human whom created the art. Art is always a journey.