
I've been coming here for the past several months as an unregistered user to get tips on XML spawners. Which, by the way, this http://www.servuo.com/threads/xml-spawner-tutorial.98/ is the greatest XML Spawner tutorial, EVER. I started here when I first got into doing xml spawns when I was a GM during the IPY3 Beta and I still use it for reference when I can't remember something to this day. I send all of my staff to that guide if they aren't familiar with the basics of xml spawners. :)

I've been checking out the ServUO site and it seems like it's mostly devoted to updating current versions of UO for the free shard community and it caters to a lot of custom scripts. Am I wrong in this assumption? It's about 4 AM at the time of this posting and I'm more than a little tired, but I'm trying to get a grasp of what it's all about. If anyone could fill me in, I would very much appreciate it!
You're mostly right, yes. ServUo started as an updated fork of RunUO and has evolved into its own monster since. Currently we have the most accurate SA implementations, and the beginnings of the HS implementations. We have our own dedicated team of developers/programmers working on OSI/EA accurate content as well as accept bug reports, fixes, and contributions from the members/public. All of our code and operations are 100% transparent and development can be watched live via our Git repositories. All of the above plus an EXTREMELY active forum/development staff, and a hugely friendly and helpful atmosphere have made ServUO shoot well past any other UO emulation communities in the past year.

Keep asking questions if you have more! :cool:
An Corp runs a T2A style ruleset so I guess I'm a wee bit out of my element here. :p I played up until the Samurai's on OSI before jumping ship so I'm familiar with everything up to that point. Well, either way, this seems like a nice place to settle down and share some good ol' UO experiences. We're all a bunch of addicts here. Another addict couldn't hurt, I'm sure. :D
Definitely not - the more the merrier!

Incidentally, just because you run an older era shard doesn't mean ServUO can't be used. I run a custom combination of era modifications. Its very easy to turn features on and/or off. Another point which I forgot to mention is that ServUO implements (mostly) the latest features of .NET, as well as contains custom system development platforms and packages. There's framework in place for all sorts of goodies.
welcome Abigor. im sure you will find more then you were looking for in a community here. the walks of life that meet here are something to behold. we all have our vices. :D
I personally love ServUO because it has been a lot more successful then other RUNUO expansions that tried going over to Stygians Abyss and High Seas! I spend most of my time programming content that ServUO does not have to get it closer to OSI! I do not totally agree with how OSI is running their servers these days but I do believe that you could have the same content as them and with the right staff and little customs here and there you could make the UO Server of a life time :)

My personal goal is to help ServUO get everything up to OSI Standard then individual servers can remove things that they do not want when they see it is fit after downloading a copy :)

Personally a lot of little things I see that happens with Servers is they claim to be OSI accurate or like it without some content but in all reality a couple weeks ago I fixed about 15+ Stygian Abyss weapons because they had simple issues like Str Requirement or Durability issues... All of these things may not seem like a big deal but I am serious when I say I think it would be awesome to have a Completely accurate version of ServUO to OSI.

This week I might even begin to look at the ML Weapons because they might have slight messes up and such! Anyways that is what I do around here on ServUO besides annoy people, feel free to message me if you need anything! I have never personally messed around with a T2A server but I have heard of An Corp and have a couple of friends playing there!

Glad to see you here! Once again Welcome!
An Corp runs a T2A style ruleset so I guess I'm a wee bit out of my element here. :p I played up until the Samurai's on OSI before jumping ship so I'm familiar with everything up to that point. Well, either way, this seems like a nice place to settle down and share some good ol' UO experiences. We're all a bunch of addicts here. Another addict couldn't hurt, I'm sure. :D

I'll second what m309 said here. I run a UOR shard using ServUO. It might seem a bit of overkill but ServUO has active development and direct support unlike RunUO. Up until Mark started to update RunUO it was not compliant with .Net 4 and active development seemed to be dead. Also, the custom framework looks very promising for the future.

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