I've been coming here for the past several months as an unregistered user to get tips on XML spawners. Which, by the way, this http://www.servuo.com/threads/xml-spawner-tutorial.98/ is the greatest XML Spawner tutorial, EVER. I started here when I first got into doing xml spawns when I was a GM during the IPY3 Beta and I still use it for reference when I can't remember something to this day. I send all of my staff to that guide if they aren't familiar with the basics of xml spawners. 
I've been checking out the ServUO site and it seems like it's mostly devoted to updating current versions of UO for the free shard community and it caters to a lot of custom scripts. Am I wrong in this assumption? It's about 4 AM at the time of this posting and I'm more than a little tired, but I'm trying to get a grasp of what it's all about. If anyone could fill me in, I would very much appreciate it!
I've been checking out the ServUO site and it seems like it's mostly devoted to updating current versions of UO for the free shard community and it caters to a lot of custom scripts. Am I wrong in this assumption? It's about 4 AM at the time of this posting and I'm more than a little tired, but I'm trying to get a grasp of what it's all about. If anyone could fill me in, I would very much appreciate it!