I am having sos and tmaps that don't exist at designated coordinates?
I have had success with sos bottles 90 percent of them are true.
Tmaps I yet to find a treasure...
Any body have success..
On Abandoned Universe, we disabled Trammel, and disabled Trammel Treasure Maps. ParagonChests could still spawn Trammel Treasure Maps, but they would label as Tokuno, but the chest could only be found on the coordinates/location in Trammel Facet which players couldn't get to. Is that a similar thing you have done on your server?
No I did not disable anything..
Running all lands.
I got the tmapaltas found the spots but nothing..
No entering a treasure area no where near this spot..
Sos bottles too.. some are not there..
Use the [props command on the map/SOS. With some of the bugged maps I have seen on our server, usually between the picture, and [props you can tell what happened. Might give you some insight into what the problem is.


Edit - Forgot to put the picture. You can try going to the TreasureFacet, ChestLocation, and thats the exact spot that map is pointing to.