
Soul Glaive is Throwing Weapon, Soul Glaive armor ignore damage is the highest 24.
this is a mistake ?
I show damage is 12-20, but Armor Ignore is Primary Ability. Does that answer your question?
How can I change armor ignore ability damage for Soul Glaive or for all throwing weapons? While melee weapons and bows hits harder with armor ignore, Soul glaive's armor ignore ability damage is much less.
You will probably need to modify the code that deals with the Armor Ignore ability. Then, inside there, where it deals with damage, make a check for something like

if (weapon is ThrowingWeapon)
...yada yada

#region SA
percentageBonus += BattleLust.GetBonus(attacker, defender);

if (this is BaseThrown)
int max = ((BaseThrown)this).MaxThrowRange;

if (attacker.InRange(defender, max))
percentageBonus += -47;

I found above lines as a fault ! .but wondering about how much they are hitting in OSI is it 24 or more ??? (Don't want to make something which is not fitting to OSI )