ServUO Version
Publish 57
Ultima Expansion
Age Of Shadows
I was wondering if its possible to make a spawner of a colored horses, with the chances of the respawn being the same as the colored ores.
But to avoid people killing the horses to get another respawn, i want to know if there is a way to edit the spawner, so if the mount was killed, the nest respawn will be the same as the last one, and only change the respawn if the animal was tammed.
Let me wrap my head around your question.

You want an ingame spawner that creates hued horses the same colors as the ores
You want an ingame spawner creating hued horses,
with a respawn time relatively the same of the colored ores

Then just keep a reference to the last spawned Horse in the spawner
And, upon the spawner's next to spawn check; access the reference, if alive, or if tamed, etc,
and modify the spawner's interval with the reference's information.

Then in source code for Horse
add a reference to the spawner that spawned it,
and upon the event BeforeDeath; access the referenced spawner to modify
its properties to tell the spawner to spawn the last spawned horse.

then for sanity check you could probably have a 'NextSpawn' property, 'PreviousSpawn' property