Not sure what I did to cause it but apparently I love breaking things, getting this on world load and this is the code the debugger shows is at fault.

I've reverted to a prior save which works fine but not sure wth I did to cause the issue in the first place, the server was running fine and even continued to save this only happened after I restarted it.
        //public accessors
        public RepairSkillType RepairSkillType => RepairSkillType;
        public double Level => _Level;
        public Mobile Crafter => _Crafter;

Full code:
using Server;
using Server.Engines.Plants;
using Server.Items;
using Solaris.CliLocHandler;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Solaris.ItemStore
    //this is the base class for item entries stored in an item list
    public class ItemListEntry : IComparable
        //reference back to the ListEntry objects which holds this particular entry
        protected ListEntry _ListEntry;

        public virtual int GumpWidth => 400;

        //basic storage stuff needed to store items within this item list entry
        protected Type _Type;

        //insured/loot properties of item
        protected LootType _LootType;
        protected bool _Insured;

        protected string _Name;

        //used for display purposes, to help differentiate between special entries
        protected int _Hue;

        //gump specific positioning of data is stored in this fancy ItemListEntryColumn for easy access from above
        protected List<ItemListEntryColumn> _Columns;

        public Type Type => _Type;
        public string Name => _Name;
        public int Hue => _Hue;
        public LootType LootType => _LootType;
        public bool Insured => _Insured;

        //this is the (overridable) public accessor and generator for the column formatting for the gump
        public virtual List<ItemListEntryColumn> Columns
                if (_Columns == null)
                    _Columns = new List<ItemListEntryColumn>

                        //here's where the columns are defined
                        new ItemListEntryColumn(0, "Name", _Name)

                return _Columns;

        //this is used for the sorting, determine which column in Columns to sort by
        public static int SortIndex;

        //set to either -1 or 1
        public static int SortOrder;

        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            if (!(obj is ItemListEntry))
                return 0;   //cannot sort

            ItemListEntry entry = (ItemListEntry)obj;

            //if the sort index is invalid
            if (Columns.Count <= SortIndex || SortIndex == -1)
                return 0;

            //TODO: special case:  sort by hue if SortIndex = -1

            //null text can't be sorted
            if (Columns[SortIndex].Text == null || entry.Columns[SortIndex].Text == null)
                return 0;

            return Columns[SortIndex].Text.CompareTo(entry.Columns[SortIndex].Text) * SortOrder;

        public ItemListEntry(Item item) : this(item, item.Name ?? item.GetType().Name)

        //constructor with default listing hue
        public ItemListEntry(Item item, string name) : this(item, name, 1153)

        //master constructor
        public ItemListEntry(Item item, string name, int hue)
            _Type = item.GetType();
            _Name = name;
            _Hue = hue;
            _LootType = item.LootType;
            _Insured = item.Insured;

        //clone constructor
        public ItemListEntry(ItemListEntry entry)
            _Type = entry.Type;
            _Name = entry.Name;
            _Hue = entry.Hue;
            _LootType = entry.LootType;
            _Insured = entry.Insured;

        //world load constructor
        public ItemListEntry(GenericReader reader)

        //this generates an item from what is stored in the entry.  Note no exception handling
        public virtual Item GenerateItem()
            Item item = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance(_Type);

            item.Name = _Name;
            item.LootType = _LootType;
            item.Insured = _Insured;

            return item;

        //this checks if the item you're attempting to create with is proper.  The child classes define specifics for this
        public virtual bool AllGood(Item item)
            return (item != null);

        //this is used to drive the cloning process - derived classes fire their associated clone constructor
        public virtual ItemListEntry Clone()
            return new ItemListEntry(this);

        public virtual void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)




        public virtual void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch (version)
                case 2:
                        _LootType = (LootType)reader.ReadInt();
                        _Insured = reader.ReadBool();
                        goto case 1;
                case 1:
                        _Hue = reader.ReadInt();
                        goto case 0;
                case 0:
                        _Type = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(reader.ReadString());
                        _Name = reader.ReadString();

            if (version == 0)
                //default hue from previous version;
                _Hue = 1153;

        //this is used to remove namespace text from a type name
        public static string TrimNamespace(string typename)
            string trimname = typename;

            while (trimname.IndexOf(".") > -1)
                trimname = trimname.Substring(trimname.IndexOf("."), trimname.Length - trimname.IndexOf("."));
            return trimname;
    }//class ItemListEntry

    public class TreasureMapListEntry : ItemListEntry
        public override int GumpWidth => 400;

        //treasure map specific data
        protected Point2D _ChestLocation;
        protected Map _ChestMap;
        protected Mobile _Decoder;
        protected int _Level;
        protected Rectangle2D _Bounds;

        public override List<ItemListEntryColumn> Columns
                if (_Columns == null)
                    List<ItemListEntryColumn> columns = base.Columns;

                    //add in specifics for this list type here
                    columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(150, "Map", _ChestMap.ToString()));
                    columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(240, "Decoded?", (_Decoder == null ? "no" : "yes")));

                    return columns;

                return _Columns;

        //public accessors
        public Point2D ChestLocation => _ChestLocation;
        public Map ChestMap => _ChestMap;
        public Mobile Decoder => _Decoder;
        public int Level => _Level;
        public Rectangle2D Bounds => _Bounds;

        //master constructor
        public TreasureMapListEntry(Item item) : base(item)
            TreasureMap map = (TreasureMap)item;

            //fill in the name based on the level
            //TODO: find a better way to do this
            switch (map.Level)
                case 0:
                        _Name = "Youthful";
                case 1:
                        _Name = "Plainly";
                case 2:
                        _Name = "Expertly";
                case 3:
                        _Name = "Adeptly";
                case 4:
                        _Name = "Cleverly";
                case 5:
                        _Name = "Deviously";
                case 6:
                        _Name = "Ingeniously";

            _ChestLocation = map.ChestLocation;
            _ChestMap = map.Facet;
            _Decoder = map.Decoder;
            _Level = map.Level;
            _Bounds = map.Bounds;

        //world load constructor
        public TreasureMapListEntry(GenericReader reader) : base(reader)

        //clone constructor
        public TreasureMapListEntry(TreasureMapListEntry entry) : base(entry)
            _ChestLocation = entry.ChestLocation;
            _ChestMap = entry.ChestMap;
            _Decoder = entry.Decoder;
            _Level = entry.Level;
            _Bounds = entry.Bounds;

        //this generates an item from what is stored in the entry.  Note no exception handling
        public override Item GenerateItem()
            TreasureMap map = (TreasureMap)Activator.CreateInstance(_Type, new object[] { _Level, _ChestMap });

            map.ChestLocation = _ChestLocation;

            //this is done to ensure the map gump displays properly
            map.Bounds = _Bounds;

            map.Decoder = _Decoder;

            //the map will have some bogus pin on it when it's first withdrawn.  First, remove the bogus pin

            //then add the proper pin
            map.AddWorldPin(_ChestLocation.X, _ChestLocation.Y);

            map.LootType = _LootType;
            map.Insured = _Insured;

            return map;

        //this checks if the item you're attempting to create with is proper.  The child classes define specifics for this
        public override bool AllGood(Item item)
            if (!base.AllGood(item))
                return false;

            if (!(item is TreasureMap))
                return false;

            TreasureMap map = (TreasureMap)item;

            //can't add completed maps
            return (map.CompletedBy == null);

        //this is used to drive the cloning process - derived classes fire their associated clone constructor
        public override ItemListEntry Clone()
            return new TreasureMapListEntry(this);

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)



        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            _ = reader.ReadInt();

            _ChestLocation = reader.ReadPoint2D();
            _ChestMap = reader.ReadMap();
            _Decoder = reader.ReadMobile();
            _Level = reader.ReadInt();
            _Bounds = reader.ReadRect2D();

    public class SOSListEntry : ItemListEntry
        public override int GumpWidth => 450;

        //SOS-specific data

        protected int _Level;
        protected int _MessageIndex;
        protected Map _TargetMap;
        protected Point3D _TargetLocation;

        public override List<ItemListEntryColumn> Columns
                if (_Columns == null)
                    List<ItemListEntryColumn> columns = base.Columns;

                    //add in specifics for this list type here
                    columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(150, "Map", _TargetMap.ToString()));
                    columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(240, "Location", GetCoordsText(_TargetLocation, _TargetMap)));

                    return columns;

                return _Columns;

        //public accessors
        public int Level => _Level;
        public int MessageIndex => _MessageIndex;
        public Map TargetMap => _TargetMap;
        public Point3D TargetLocation => _TargetLocation;

        //this is copied right from the SOS gump code, used to display the location in sextant formatted coordinates
        public static string GetCoordsText(Point3D point, Map map)
            int xLong = 0, yLat = 0;
            int xMins = 0, yMins = 0;
            bool xEast = false, ySouth = false;
            string fmt;

            if (Sextant.Format(point, map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth))
                fmt = String.Format("{0}°{1}'{2},{3}°{4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W");
                fmt = "?????";

            return fmt;

        //master constructor
        public SOSListEntry(Item item) : base(item)
            SOS sos = (SOS)item;

            if (sos.IsAncient)
                _Name = "Ancient SOS";
                _Name = "SOS";

            _Level = sos.Level;
            _MessageIndex = sos.MessageIndex;
            _TargetMap = sos.TargetMap;
            _TargetLocation = sos.TargetLocation;

        //world load constructor
        public SOSListEntry(GenericReader reader) : base(reader)

        //clone constructor
        public SOSListEntry(SOSListEntry entry) : base(entry)
            _Level = entry.Level;
            _MessageIndex = entry.MessageIndex;
            _TargetMap = entry.TargetMap;
            _TargetLocation = entry.TargetLocation;

        //this generates an item from what is stored in the entry.  Note no exception handling
        public override Item GenerateItem()
            SOS sos = new SOS(_TargetMap, _Level)
                TargetLocation = _TargetLocation,
                MessageIndex = _MessageIndex,

                LootType = _LootType,
                Insured = _Insured

            return sos;

        //this checks if the item you're attempting to create with is proper.  The child classes define specifics for this
        public override bool AllGood(Item item)
            if (!base.AllGood(item))
                return false;

            if (!(item is SOS))
                return false;

            return (true);

        //this is used to drive the cloning process - derived classes fire their associated clone constructor
        public override ItemListEntry Clone()
            return new SOSListEntry(this);

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)



        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            _ = reader.ReadInt();

            _Level = reader.ReadInt();
            _MessageIndex = reader.ReadInt();
            _TargetMap = reader.ReadMap();
            _TargetLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D();

    public class SpecialFishingNetListEntry : ItemListEntry
        public override int GumpWidth => 400;

        public override List<ItemListEntryColumn> Columns
                if (_Columns == null)
                    List<ItemListEntryColumn> columns = base.Columns;

                    //add in specifics for this list type here
                    //no special listing for fishing nets

                    return columns;

                return _Columns;

        //master constructor, use the net hue to hue the entry
        public SpecialFishingNetListEntry(Item item) : base(item, item.GetType().Name, item.Hue - 1)

        //world load constructor
        public SpecialFishingNetListEntry(GenericReader reader) : base(reader)

        //clone constructor
        public SpecialFishingNetListEntry(SpecialFishingNetListEntry entry) : base(entry)

        //this generates an item from what is stored in the entry.  Note no exception handling
        public override Item GenerateItem()
            //this allows for derived classes of fishing net to fit into this entry.
            SpecialFishingNet net = (SpecialFishingNet)Activator.CreateInstance(_Type);

            //note: gump hue display is shifted by 1 for some crazy reason
            net.Hue = _Hue + 1;

            net.LootType = _LootType;
            net.Insured = _Insured;

            return net;

        //this checks if the item you're attempting to create with is proper.  The child classes define specifics for this
        public override bool AllGood(Item item)
            if (!base.AllGood(item))
                return false;

            //TODO: move this to base class, since the _Type is specified in ListEntry?
            if (!(item is SpecialFishingNet))
                return false;

            return true;

        //this is used to drive the cloning process - derived classes fire their associated clone constructor
        public override ItemListEntry Clone()
            return new SpecialFishingNetListEntry(this);

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)


        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            _ = reader.ReadInt();

    public class InstrumentListEntry : ItemListEntry
        public override int GumpWidth => 750;

        protected ItemQuality _Quality;
        protected int _UsesRemaining;
        protected SlayerName _Slayer;
        protected SlayerName _Slayer2;
        protected Mobile _Crafter;

        public override List<ItemListEntryColumn> Columns
                if (_Columns == null)
                    List<ItemListEntryColumn> columns = base.Columns;

                    //add in specifics for this list type here
                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(100, "Quality", _Quality.ToString()));
                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(200, "Uses", _UsesRemaining.ToString()));
                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(300, "Slayer 1", _Slayer.ToString()));
                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(450, "Slayer 2", _Slayer2.ToString()));
                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(600, "Crafter", _Crafter != null ? _Crafter.Name : "-none-"));

                    return columns;

                return _Columns;

        //public accessors
        public ItemQuality Quality => _Quality;
        public int UsesRemaining => _UsesRemaining;
        public SlayerName Slayer => _Slayer;
        public SlayerName Slayer2 => _Slayer2;
        public Mobile Crafter => _Crafter;

        //master constructor, use the net hue to hue the entry
        public InstrumentListEntry(Item item) : base(item)
            _Name = TrimNamespace(item.GetType().Name);

            BaseInstrument instrument = (BaseInstrument)item;

            _Quality = instrument.Quality;
            _UsesRemaining = instrument.UsesRemaining;
            _Slayer = instrument.Slayer;
            _Slayer2 = instrument.Slayer2;
            _Crafter = instrument.Crafter;

        //world load constructor
        public InstrumentListEntry(GenericReader reader) : base(reader)

        //clone constructor
        public InstrumentListEntry(InstrumentListEntry entry) : base(entry)
            _Quality = entry.Quality;
            _UsesRemaining = entry.UsesRemaining;
            _Slayer = entry.Slayer;
            _Slayer2 = entry.Slayer2;
            _Crafter = entry.Crafter;

        //this generates an item from what is stored in the entry.  Note no exception handling
        public override Item GenerateItem()
            BaseInstrument instrument = (BaseInstrument)Activator.CreateInstance(_Type);

            instrument.Quality = _Quality;
            instrument.UsesRemaining = _UsesRemaining;
            instrument.Slayer = _Slayer;
            instrument.Slayer2 = _Slayer2;
            instrument.Crafter = _Crafter;

            instrument.LootType = _LootType;
            instrument.Insured = _Insured;

            return instrument;

        //this checks if the item you're attempting to create with is proper.  The child classes define specifics for this
        public override bool AllGood(Item item)
            if (!base.AllGood(item))
                return false;

            //TODO: move this to base class, since the _Type is specified in ListEntry?
            if (!(item is BaseInstrument))
                return false;

            return true;

        //this is used to drive the cloning process - derived classes fire their associated clone constructor
        public override ItemListEntry Clone()
            return new InstrumentListEntry(this);

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)



        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            _ = reader.ReadInt();

            _Quality = (ItemQuality)reader.ReadInt();
            _UsesRemaining = reader.ReadInt();
            _Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();
            _Slayer2 = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();
            _Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

    public class SeedListEntry : ItemListEntry
        public override int GumpWidth => 500;

        protected PlantType _PlantType;
        protected PlantHue _PlantHue;
        protected bool _ShowType;

        public override List<ItemListEntryColumn> Columns
                if (_Columns == null)
                    List<ItemListEntryColumn> columns = base.Columns;

                    //add in specifics for this list type here

                    //TODO: find some way of using the PlantHueInfo cliloc values
                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(250, "Color", _PlantHue.ToString()));

                    PlantHueInfo hueinfo = PlantHueInfo.GetInfo(_PlantHue);
                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(350, "Bright?", hueinfo.IsBright() ? "yes" : "no"));

                    return columns;

                return _Columns;

        //public accessors
        public PlantType PlantType => _PlantType;
        public PlantHue PlantHue => _PlantHue;
        public bool ShowType => _ShowType;

        //master constructor
        public SeedListEntry(Item item) : base(item)
            Seed seed = (Seed)item;

            _PlantType = seed.PlantType;
            _PlantHue = seed.PlantHue;
            _ShowType = seed.ShowType;

            //TODO: find a way to using the PlantTypeInfo cliloc values
            PlantHueInfo hueInfo = PlantHueInfo.GetInfo(seed.PlantHue);
            PlantTypeInfo typeInfo = PlantTypeInfo.GetInfo(seed.PlantType);

            _Name = CliLoc.LocToString(hueInfo.IsBright() ? 1061918 : 1061917, String.Concat("#", hueInfo.Name.ToString(), "\t#", typeInfo.Name.ToString())); // [bright] ~1_COLOR~ ~2_TYPE~ seed

        //world load constructor
        public SeedListEntry(GenericReader reader) : base(reader)

        //clone constructor
        public SeedListEntry(SeedListEntry entry) : base(entry)
            _PlantType = entry.PlantType;
            _PlantHue = entry.PlantHue;
            _ShowType = entry.ShowType;

        //this generates an item from what is stored in the entry.  Note no exception handling
        public override Item GenerateItem()
            //awesome constructor!
            Seed seed = new Seed(_PlantType, _PlantHue, _ShowType)
                LootType = _LootType,
                Insured = _Insured

            return seed;

        //this checks if the item you're attempting to create with is proper.  The child classes define specifics for this
        public override bool AllGood(Item item)
            if (!base.AllGood(item))
                return false;

            //TODO: move this to base class, since the _Type is specified in ListEntry?
            if (!(item is Seed))
                return false;

            return true;

        //this is used to drive the cloning process - derived classes fire their associated clone constructor
        public override ItemListEntry Clone()
            return new SeedListEntry(this);

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)



        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            _ = reader.ReadInt();

            _PlantType = (PlantType)reader.ReadInt();
            _PlantHue = (PlantHue)reader.ReadInt();
            _ShowType = reader.ReadBool();

    public class RepairDeedListEntry : ItemListEntry
        protected RepairSkillType _RepairSkillType;
        protected double _Level;
        protected Mobile _Crafter;

        public override List<ItemListEntryColumn> Columns
                if (_Columns == null)
                    List<ItemListEntryColumn> columns = base.Columns;

                    //add in specifics for this list type here

                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(150, "Level", _Level.ToString()));

                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(250, "Crafter", _Crafter == null ? "-null-" : _Crafter.Name));

                    return columns;

                return _Columns;

        //public accessors
        public RepairSkillType RepairSkillType => RepairSkillType;
        public double Level => _Level;
        public Mobile Crafter => _Crafter;

        //master constructor
        public RepairDeedListEntry(Item item) : base(item)
            RepairDeed deed = (RepairDeed)item;

            _Name = deed.RepairSkill.ToString();
            _RepairSkillType = deed.RepairSkill;
            _Level = deed.SkillLevel;
            _Crafter = deed.Crafter;

        //world load constructor
        public RepairDeedListEntry(GenericReader reader) : base(reader)

        //clone constructor
        public RepairDeedListEntry(RepairDeedListEntry entry) : base(entry)
            _RepairSkillType = entry.RepairSkillType;
            _Level = entry.Level;
            _Crafter = entry.Crafter;

        //this generates an item from what is stored in the entry.  Note no exception handling
        public override Item GenerateItem()
            //awesome constructor!
            RepairDeed deed = new RepairDeed(RepairSkillType, _Level, _Crafter)
                LootType = _LootType,
                Insured = _Insured

            return deed;

        //this checks if the item you're attempting to create with is proper.  The child classes define specifics for this
        public override bool AllGood(Item item)
            if (!base.AllGood(item))
                return false;

            //TODO: move this to base class, since the _Type is specified in ListEntry?
            if (!(item is RepairDeed))
                return false;

            return true;

        //this is used to drive the cloning process - derived classes fire their associated clone constructor
        public override ItemListEntry Clone()
            return new RepairDeedListEntry(this);

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)



        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            _ = reader.ReadInt();

            _RepairSkillType = (RepairSkillType)reader.ReadInt();
            _Level = reader.ReadDouble();
            _Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

    //stores addon deeds.   WARNING: what about addon deeds that need some constructor data?
    public class BaseAddonDeedListEntry : ItemListEntry
        public override int GumpWidth => 400;

        public override List<ItemListEntryColumn> Columns
                if (_Columns == null)
                    List<ItemListEntryColumn> columns = base.Columns;

                    //add in specifics for this list type here

                    return columns;

                return _Columns;

        //master constructor, use the addon deed class name, and hue
        public BaseAddonDeedListEntry(Item item) : base(item, item.GetType().Name, item.Hue - 1)

        //world load constructor
        public BaseAddonDeedListEntry(GenericReader reader) : base(reader)

        //clone constructor
        public BaseAddonDeedListEntry(BaseAddonDeedListEntry entry) : base(entry)

        //this generates an item from what is stored in the entry.  Note no exception handling
        public override Item GenerateItem()
            //this allows for inherited classes of addon deeds to fit into this entry.
            //WARNING:  what if the addon deed carries more info, or has a constructor that requires parameters?
            BaseAddonDeed deed = (BaseAddonDeed)Activator.CreateInstance(_Type);

            //note: gump hue display is shifted by 1 for some crazy reason
            deed.Hue = _Hue + 1;

            deed.LootType = _LootType;
            deed.Insured = _Insured;

            return deed;

        //this checks if the item you're attempting to create with is proper.  The child classes define specifics for this
        public override bool AllGood(Item item)
            if (!base.AllGood(item))
                return false;

            //TODO: move this to base class, since the _Type is specified in ListEntry?
            if (!(item is BaseAddonDeed))
                return false;

            //test if the deed being added can be constructed with a zero parameter constructor
                BaseAddonDeed deed = (BaseAddonDeed)Activator.CreateInstance(item.GetType());

                //if it constructs fine, then delete it
                //this catch hits if the deed does not have a zero parameter constructor, and would have otherwise crashed the shard
                return false;

            return true;

        //this is used to drive the cloning process - derived classes fire their associated clone constructor
        public override ItemListEntry Clone()
            return new BaseAddonDeedListEntry(this);

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)


        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            _ = reader.ReadInt();

    //stores power scrolls
    public class PowerScrollListEntry : ItemListEntry
        public override int GumpWidth => 400;

        protected SkillName _Skill;
        protected double _Value;

        public SkillName Skill => _Skill;
        public double Value => _Value;

        public override List<ItemListEntryColumn> Columns
                if (_Columns == null)
                    List<ItemListEntryColumn> columns = base.Columns;

                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(250, "Value", _Value.ToString()));

                    return columns;

                return _Columns;

        //master constructor, use the addon deed class name, and hue
        public PowerScrollListEntry(Item item) : base(item, ((PowerScroll)item).Skill.ToString(), item.Hue - 1)
            PowerScroll scroll = (PowerScroll)item;

            _Skill = scroll.Skill;
            _Value = scroll.Value;

        //world load constructor
        public PowerScrollListEntry(GenericReader reader) : base(reader)

        //clone constructor
        public PowerScrollListEntry(PowerScrollListEntry entry) : base(entry)
            _Skill = entry.Skill;
            _Value = entry.Value;

        //this generates an item from what is stored in the entry.  Note no exception handling
        public override Item GenerateItem()
            //this allows for inherited classes of addon deeds to fit into this entry.
            PowerScroll scroll = (PowerScroll)Activator.CreateInstance(_Type, new object[] { _Skill, _Value });

            return scroll;

        //this checks if the item you're attempting to create with is proper.  The child classes define specifics for this
        public override bool AllGood(Item item)
            if (!base.AllGood(item))
                return false;

            //TODO: move this to base class, since the _Type is specified in ListEntry?
            if (!(item is PowerScroll))
                return false;

            return true;

        //this is used to drive the cloning process - derived classes fire their associated clone constructor
        public override ItemListEntry Clone()
            return new PowerScrollListEntry(this);

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)


        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            _ = reader.ReadInt();

            _Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
            _Value = reader.ReadDouble();

    //stores stat scrolls
    public class StatCapScrollListEntry : ItemListEntry
        public override int GumpWidth => 400;

        protected double _Value;
        public double Value => _Value;

        public override List<ItemListEntryColumn> Columns
                if (_Columns == null)
                    List<ItemListEntryColumn> columns = base.Columns;

                    _Columns.Add(new ItemListEntryColumn(250, "Value", _Value.ToString()));

                    return columns;

                return _Columns;

        //master constructor, use the addon deed class name, and hue
        public StatCapScrollListEntry(Item item) : base(item, "Scroll of Power", item.Hue - 1)
            _Value = ((StatCapScroll)item).Value;

        //world load constructor
        public StatCapScrollListEntry(GenericReader reader) : base(reader)

        //clone constructor
        public StatCapScrollListEntry(StatCapScrollListEntry entry) : base(entry)
            _Value = entry.Value;

        //this generates an item from what is stored in the entry.  Note no exception handling
        public override Item GenerateItem()
            //this allows for inherited classes of addon deeds to fit into this entry.
            StatCapScroll scroll = (StatCapScroll)Activator.CreateInstance(_Type, new object[] { _Value });

            return scroll;

        //this checks if the item you're attempting to create with is proper.  The child classes define specifics for this
        public override bool AllGood(Item item)
            if (!base.AllGood(item))
                return false;

            //TODO: move this to base class, since the _Type is specified in ListEntry?
            if (!(item is StatCapScroll))
                return false;

            return true;

        //this is used to drive the cloning process - derived classes fire their associated clone constructor
        public override ItemListEntry Clone()
            return new StatCapScrollListEntry(this);

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)


        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            _ = reader.ReadInt();

            _Value = reader.ReadDouble();

    //this data structure is useful when arranging gump display columns
    public class ItemListEntryColumn
        public int X { get; }
        public int Width;

        public string Header { get; }
        public string Text { get; }

        public ItemListEntryColumn(int x, string header, string text)
            X = x;
            Header = header;
            Text = text;

I still have the debugger active and locked onto that exception if you need any more information.

I suppose it could still be the storage keys breaking, they do reference that line of code in:
C:\ServUO Production\Scripts\Custom\Custom Systems\UniversalStorageKeys-master\Main Data Management\ItemListEntries.cs (12 hits)

Once again, thanks for any help lol..
public RepairSkillType RepairSkillType => RepairSkillType;
This line is referencing itself, since the property name is the same name as the enum it represents.
Prefix it with an underscore to have it backed by _RepairSkillType
public RepairSkillType RepairSkillType => RepairSkillType;
This line is referencing itself, since the property name is the same name as the enum it represents.
Prefix it with an underscore to have it backed by _RepairSkillType
You sir are a genius! broken save loads fine now, changed it to:
public RepairSkillType RepairSkillType => _RepairSkillType;

Thank you!