Im having an issue with the new vet reward, I managed to make is so you cant place it by houses but I can still place it over rocks , trees etc... Anyone has a fix?


  public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
      if (TentCheck(from)==false)
          from.SendMessage("You Already own a Tent");

          if ( IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
              if ( Validate(from) == true)
               TentWalls v = new TentWalls();
               v.Location = from.Location;
               v.Map = from.Map;

               TentRoof w = new TentRoof();
               w.Location = from.Location;
               w.Map = from.Map;

               TentFloor y = new TentFloor();
               y.Location = from.Location;
               y.Map = from.Map;

               TentTrim z = new TentTrim();
               z.Location = from.Location;
               z.Map = from.Map;
               TentVerifier tentverifier = new TentVerifier();
               from.AddToBackpack (tentverifier);

               SecureTent chest = new SecureTent((PlayerMobile)from,v,w,y,z);
               chest.Location = new Point3D( from.X -1, from.Y-1, from.Z );
               chest.Map = from.Map;

               BedRoll1 x = new BedRoll1(v,w,y,z,(PlayerMobile)from, (SecureTent) chest,(TentVerifier) tentverifier);
               x.Location = new Point3D( from.X, from.Y+1, from.Z );
               x.Map = from.Map;

            from.SendGump( new TentGump( from ) );
                       from.SendMessage("You cannot errect your Tent in this area.");
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042001 ); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
 public bool Validate(Mobile from)
         foreach (Item item in Map.GetItemsInRange(from.Location, 15))
                    ItemData id = item.ItemData;
                    LandTile landTile = Tiles.GetLandTile();
                     int landID = landTile.ID & TileData.MaxLandValue;
                    if (item is BaseHouse || !item.Movable || item.ItemData.Impassable || landTile.Impassable  )
                         return false;
                return true;

// Thank you!