
Ok so i commited. I'm very nervous at the moment, having removed everything related to runuo off my computer, i feel so...... bare. Anyhow, now to figure out where to start here to reopen my families shard but as a NEW and IMPROVED SERVUO ! hmmm lol Not sure where to begin, runuo made it simple by saying dl this then this , then compile and bam ! But simple is always best , this i know so time to begin the sweat work, i hope to have the basic bare bone shard UP by sunday, Wish me luck guys, for a old man like me this is a HUGE challege and my family believes i can do this, so here goes.
You will be surprised. ServUO is in many ways much easier to start on. Vorpsire has added a wonderful batch file that compiles the core for you. The distro already comes with several nice scripts already integrated such as xmlspawer and some of the utilities from Nerun's. In addition there are already some basic spawn maps and many GM tools.
I'm very familiar with C scripts and gm tools, just not ServUO. The forums are not as user friendly as RunUO was, so just having to relearn this system now. I"ll figure it out.
Ok do dl'ing classic client, wow i forgot how slow that is, put v2.3 back on the pute, going to call it a night , let this classic dl as slow as it wants, will begin again at 4am. Nite everyone

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