Not sure if anyone can help but I sure need it.

I have been running a shard for over five years and have used my personal PC for a Test Server to work on scripts. Two days ago (after some MS updates) my Test Server will not load. When I DBL click on 'RunUO-64bit.exe' all I get is an Error Message saying . . "This app can't run on this PC".

I have Googled and tried a few different things but nothing so far solves it. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas?

Many Thanks
Gotta love those updates.. Well.. they seem to think we should at least. Personally I think I'd rather go to the dentist for a root canal with a hangover sometimes. Latest update is to fix the boo-boo's from the previous 14 updates, all of which were to fix the problems created by earlier updates which were in turn.. you get the point. System restore usually works. :D