There's a comment in IAccount.cs stating that changing CurrencyThreshold, that is, the ratio of gold to platinum might cause issues with the trade window.

/// The client is designed to perceive the currency threashold at 1,000,000,000
/// if you change this, it may cause unexpected results when using secure trading.

I've been looking for an explanation and found a brief one from Voxpire on another forum:

this amount is hard-coded in the client, so we can't adjust it without causing issues in the Secure Trade Window

I added a modification to CurrentExpansion.cs to test the CurrencyThreshold at a different value. With some brief testing using the new trade window to trade gold and platinum, I did not notice any issues. Can anyone further explain what unexpected results might occur from using a value such as 10,000 instead of a billion?
I wrote that comment in the code :D

The client is hard-coded to access 1 billion as the overflow amount, so if you set it to anything other than that, the server may misinterpret the platinum to gold ratio.
The client allows you to type 999,999,999 gold regardless - if you set the threshold to 1,000,000, the client is still going to allow 999,999,999 instead of the expected 999,999. This will cause confusion for the user and potentially end up in the server processing the wrong amount of gold.
Thanks Voxpire! I did notice are are able to type 999,999,999 regardless, which could definitely cause confusion.

In testing a different CurrencyThreshold value, the conversions still appeared to function correctly. For instance:

CurrencyTheshold = 10,000
Trading 54,000 gold results in the recipient gaining 5 platinum and 4000 gold, with the correct deduction from the giver.
Mixed amounts of platinum and greater than CurrencyThreshold gold, such as 2 platinum and 14,000 gold, still are traded and converted correctly.

The ability to type gold amounts greater than the CurrencyThreshold such as the example scenarios could be confusing, I admit. But the trading and conversions seem to stay consistent and process the correct amounts.

If anyone has experience or examples to the contrary, please weigh in!