Hello All,
I am not a coder nor do I profess to be a developer. I had an ideal the other day that could be expanded on I am sure there are some very brilliant minds out there!

Anyway, My Ideal started with a way to add a new gold sink to my developing shard. Can someone give feed back?

First off, I wanted a system that lets pets poop in town, (seen script somewhere) from there If the pets owner does not clean it up (in town only) the town pooper scooper cleans it and the owner of pet is sent a ticket to pay fine and gold is automatically withdrawn from their bank. If said person cleans it up and delivers it to the town compost, they are rewarded with Special coins ( i.e. Tokens or gold donation coins) and bag of you guessed it! o_OManure. This new manure, could be used to insta-grow harvestable gardens or plants.

The town Pooper Scooper could be added to the government system. Maybe with a grander name than pooper scooper :)D). The composted manure would give a new twist to the plant system by maybe making the harvestable items larger or higher amount harvested for players to craft perhaps new cooking items?

Comments are more than welcome. If you can code it I sure would love a script for it!
Thanks for the time and Thoughts,