Below is the code from my Lumberjack.cs I am trying to make is so tree elementals occasionally spawn when you chop wood like they do for ore when using the Gargoyle Pickaxe. There is obviously more required to make this work, like the axe and the elementals but I have those all coded locally. I borrowed the code from mining and tried to apply it to lumberjacking but it doesn't spawn the elementals. I thought maybe someone has tried to do this before and got it working. I tried to look over the code from OWLTR and see if it wasnt any different and besides the info for spawning the "extra" elemental types from that package. So if anyone sees something I missed could you please help out.

using System;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Targeting;
using System.Linq;
namespace Server.Engines.Harvest
    public class Lumberjacking : HarvestSystem
        private static Lumberjacking m_System;
        public static Lumberjacking System
                if (m_System == null)
                    m_System = new Lumberjacking();
                return m_System;
        private readonly HarvestDefinition m_Definition;
        public HarvestDefinition Definition
                return this.m_Definition;
        private Lumberjacking()
            HarvestResource[] res;
            HarvestVein[] veins;
            #region Lumberjacking
            HarvestDefinition lumber = new HarvestDefinition();
            // Resource banks are every 4x3 tiles
            lumber.BankWidth = 2;
            lumber.BankHeight = 2;
            // Every bank holds from 20 to 45 logs
            lumber.MinTotal = 40;
            lumber.MaxTotal = 60;
            // A resource bank will respawn its content every 20 to 30 minutes
            lumber.MinRespawn = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10.0);
            lumber.MaxRespawn = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15.0);
            // Skill checking is done on the Lumberjacking skill
            lumber.Skill = SkillName.Lumberjacking;
            // Set the list of harvestable tiles
            lumber.Tiles = m_TreeTiles;
            // Players must be within 2 tiles to harvest
            lumber.MaxRange = 3;
            // Ten logs per harvest action
            lumber.ConsumedPerHarvest = 5;
            lumber.ConsumedPerFeluccaHarvest = 10;
            // The chopping effect
            lumber.EffectActions = new int[] { Core.SA ? 7 : 13 };
            lumber.EffectSounds = new int[] { 0x13E };
            lumber.EffectCounts = (Core.AOS ? new int[] { 1 } : new int[] { 1, 2, 2, 2, 3 });
            lumber.EffectDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.6);
            lumber.EffectSoundDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.9);
            lumber.NoResourcesMessage = 500493; // There's not enough wood here to harvest.
            lumber.FailMessage = 500495; // You hack at the tree for a while, but fail to produce any useable wood.
            lumber.OutOfRangeMessage = 500446; // That is too far away.
            lumber.PackFullMessage = 500497; // You can't place any wood into your backpack!
            lumber.ToolBrokeMessage = 500499; // You broke your axe.
            if (Core.ML)
                res = new HarvestResource[]
                    new HarvestResource(00.0, 00.0, 100.0, 1072540, typeof(Log)),
                    new HarvestResource(65.0, 25.0, 105.0, 1072541, typeof(OakLog), typeof(OakElemental)),
                    new HarvestResource(75.0, 40.0, 110.0, 1072542, typeof(AshLog), typeof(AshElemental)),
                    new HarvestResource(85.0, 45.0, 115.0, 1072543, typeof(YewLog), typeof(YewElemental)),
                    new HarvestResource(90.0, 50.0, 120.0, 1072544, typeof(HeartwoodLog), typeof(HeartwoodElemental)),
                    new HarvestResource(95.0, 55.0, 130.0, 1072545, typeof(BloodwoodLog), typeof(BloodwoodElemental)),
                    new HarvestResource(100.0, 60.0, 135.0, 1072546, typeof(FrostwoodLog), typeof(FrostwoodElemental)),
                veins = new HarvestVein[]
                    new HarvestVein(45.0, 0.0, res[0], null), // Ordinary Logs
                    new HarvestVein(30.0, 0.5, res[1], res[0]), // Oak
                    new HarvestVein(10.0, 0.5, res[2], res[0]), // Ash
                    new HarvestVein(06.0, 0.5, res[3], res[0]), // Yew
                    new HarvestVein(04.0, 0.5, res[4], res[0]), // Heartwood
                    new HarvestVein(03.0, 0.5, res[5], res[0]), // Bloodwood
                    new HarvestVein(02.0, 0.5, res[6], res[0]), // Frostwood
                lumber.BonusResources = new BonusHarvestResource[]
                    new BonusHarvestResource(0, 82.0, null, null), //Nothing
                    new BonusHarvestResource(100, 10.0, 1072548, typeof(BarkFragment)),
                    new BonusHarvestResource(100, 03.0, 1072550, typeof(LuminescentFungi)),
                    new BonusHarvestResource(100, 02.0, 1072547, typeof(SwitchItem)),
                    new BonusHarvestResource(100, 01.0, 1072549, typeof(ParasiticPlant)),
                    new BonusHarvestResource(100, 01.0, 1072551, typeof(BrilliantAmber)),
                    new BonusHarvestResource(100, 01.0, 1113756, typeof(CrystalShards), Map.TerMur),
                res = new HarvestResource[]
                    new HarvestResource(00.0, 00.0, 100.0, 500498, typeof(Log))
                veins = new HarvestVein[]
                    new HarvestVein(100.0, 0.0, res[0], null)
            lumber.Resources = res;
            lumber.Veins = veins;
            lumber.RaceBonus = Core.ML;
            lumber.RandomizeVeins = false/*Core.ML*/;
            this.m_Definition = lumber;
        public override void SendSuccessTo(Mobile from, Item item, HarvestResource resource)
            if (item != null)
                foreach (var res in m_Definition.Resources.Where(r => r.Types != null))
                    foreach (var type in res.Types)
                        if (item.GetType() == type)
            base.SendSuccessTo(from, item, resource);
        public override bool CheckHarvest(Mobile from, Item tool)
            if (!base.CheckHarvest(from, tool))
                return false;
            return true;
        public override bool CheckHarvest(Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, object toHarvest)
            if (!base.CheckHarvest(from, tool, def, toHarvest))
                return false;
			if (tool.Parent != from && from.Backpack != null && !tool.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
				from.SendLocalizedMessage(1080058); // This must be in your backpack to use it.
				return false;
			return true;
        public override Type GetResourceType(Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, Map map, Point3D loc, HarvestResource resource)
            #region Void Pool Items
            HarvestMap hmap = HarvestMap.CheckMapOnHarvest(from, loc, def);
            if (hmap != null && hmap.Resource >= CraftResource.RegularWood && hmap.Resource <= CraftResource.Frostwood)
                CraftResourceInfo info = CraftResources.GetInfo(hmap.Resource);
                if (info != null)
                    return info.ResourceTypes[0];
            return base.GetResourceType(from, tool, def, map, loc, resource);
        public override bool CheckResources(Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, Map map, Point3D loc, bool timed)
            if (HarvestMap.CheckMapOnHarvest(from, loc, def) == null)
                return base.CheckResources(from, tool, def, map, loc, timed);
            return true;
        public override HarvestVein MutateVein(Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, HarvestBank bank, object toHarvest, HarvestVein vein)
            if (tool is AxeOfLumberjack)
                int veinIndex = Array.IndexOf(def.Veins, vein);
                if (veinIndex >= 0 && veinIndex < (def.Veins.Length - 1))
                    return def.Veins[veinIndex + 1];
            return base.MutateVein(from, tool, def, bank, toHarvest, vein);
        public override void OnBadHarvestTarget(Mobile from, Item tool, object toHarvest)
            if (toHarvest is Mobile)
                ((Mobile)toHarvest).PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500450, from.NetState); // You can only skin dead creatures.
            else if (toHarvest is Item)
                ((Item)toHarvest).LabelTo(from, 500464); // Use this on corpses to carve away meat and hide
            else if (toHarvest is Targeting.StaticTarget || toHarvest is Targeting.LandTarget)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500489); // You can't use an axe on that.
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005213); // You can't do that
        public override void OnHarvestStarted(Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, object toHarvest)
            base.OnHarvestStarted(from, tool, def, toHarvest);
            if (Core.ML)
        public override void OnHarvestFinished(Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, HarvestVein vein, HarvestBank bank, HarvestResource resource, object harvested)
            if ( tool is AxeOfLumberjack && 0.2 > Utility.RandomDouble() /*&& HarvestMap.CheckMapOnHarvest(from, harvested, def) == null*/)
                HarvestResource res = vein.PrimaryResource;
                if (res == resource && res.Types.Length >= 3)
                        Map map = from.Map;
                        if (map == null)
                        BaseCreature spawned = Activator.CreateInstance(res.Types[2], new object[] { 25 }) as BaseCreature;
                        if (spawned != null)
                            int offset = Utility.Random(8) * 2;
                            for (int i = 0; i < m_Offsets.Length; i += 2)
                                int x = from.X + m_Offsets[(offset + i) % m_Offsets.Length];
                                int y = from.Y + m_Offsets[(offset + i + 1) % m_Offsets.Length];
                                if (map.CanSpawnMobile(x, y, from.Z))
                                    spawned.OnBeforeSpawn(new Point3D(x, y, from.Z), map);
                                    spawned.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(x, y, from.Z), map);
                                    spawned.Combatant = from;
                                    int z = map.GetAverageZ(x, y);
                                    if (Math.Abs(z - from.Z) < 10 && map.CanSpawnMobile(x, y, z))
                                        spawned.OnBeforeSpawn(new Point3D(x, y, z), map);
                                        spawned.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(x, y, z), map);
                                        spawned.Combatant = from;
                            spawned.OnBeforeSpawn(from.Location, from.Map);
                            spawned.MoveToWorld(from.Location, from.Map);
                            spawned.Combatant = from;
        public static void Initialize()
        private static readonly int[] m_Offsets = new int[]
            -1, -1,
            -1, 0,
            -1, 1,
            0, -1,
            0, 1,
            1, -1,
            1, 0,
            1, 1
        #region Tile lists
        private static readonly int[] m_TreeTiles = new int[]
            0x4CCA, 0x4CCB, 0x4CCC, 0x4CCD, 0x4CD0, 0x4CD3, 0x4CD6, 0x4CD8,
            0x4CDA, 0x4CDD, 0x4CE0, 0x4CE3, 0x4CE6, 0x4CF8, 0x4CFB, 0x4CFE,
            0x4D01, 0x4D41, 0x4D42, 0x4D43, 0x4D44, 0x4D57, 0x4D58, 0x4D59,
            0x4D5A, 0x4D5B, 0x4D6E, 0x4D6F, 0x4D70, 0x4D71, 0x4D72, 0x4D84,
            0x4D85, 0x4D86, 0x52B5, 0x52B6, 0x52B7, 0x52B8, 0x52B9, 0x52BA,
            0x52BB, 0x52BC, 0x52BD,
            0x4CCE, 0x4CCF, 0x4CD1, 0x4CD2, 0x4CD4, 0x4CD5, 0x4CD7, 0x4CD9,
            0x4CDB, 0x4CDC, 0x4CDE, 0x4CDF, 0x4CE1, 0x4CE2, 0x4CE4, 0x4CE5,
            0x4CE7, 0x4CE8, 0x4CF9, 0x4CFA, 0x4CFC, 0x4CFD, 0x4CFF, 0x4D00,
            0x4D02, 0x4D03, 0x4D45, 0x4D46, 0x4D47, 0x4D48, 0x4D49, 0x4D4A,
            0x4D4B, 0x4D4C, 0x4D4D, 0x4D4E, 0x4D4F, 0x4D50, 0x4D51, 0x4D52,
            0x4D53, 0x4D5C, 0x4D5D, 0x4D5E, 0x4D5F, 0x4D60, 0x4D61, 0x4D62,
            0x4D63, 0x4D64, 0x4D65, 0x4D66, 0x4D67, 0x4D68, 0x4D69, 0x4D73,
            0x4D74, 0x4D75, 0x4D76, 0x4D77, 0x4D78, 0x4D79, 0x4D7A, 0x4D7B,
            0x4D7C, 0x4D7D, 0x4D7E, 0x4D7F, 0x4D87, 0x4D88, 0x4D89, 0x4D8A,
            0x4D8B, 0x4D8C, 0x4D8D, 0x4D8E, 0x4D8F, 0x4D90, 0x4D95, 0x4D96,
            0x4D97, 0x4D99, 0x4D9A, 0x4D9B, 0x4D9D, 0x4D9E, 0x4D9F, 0x4DA1,
            0x4DA2, 0x4DA3, 0x4DA5, 0x4DA6, 0x4DA7, 0x4DA9, 0x4DAA, 0x4DAB,
            0x52BE, 0x52BF, 0x52C0, 0x52C1, 0x52C2, 0x52C3, 0x52C4, 0x52C5,
            0x52C6, 0x52C7
His code is checking for a custom item.

tool is AxeOfLumberjack

Without that tool equipped, the elemental spawn code won't be called. I still don't know if the whole script works as desired but that part seems ok.
im trying stuff but i keep getting crashes
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think i got it
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