Trying to make a mobile that moves to a new location based off a timer.
+ _Customs/Mobiles/NPCs/ThiefGuildmasterTram.cs:
CS0103: Line 57: The name 'MoveLocations' does not exist in the current context
using System;

using System.Collections;

using Server.Items;

using Server.Targeting;

namespace Server.Mobiles


public class ThiefGuildmasterTram : BaseGuildmaster


Point3D[] MoveLocations =


new Point3D( 1478, 1641, 20 ),//Britain [West]

new Point3D( 1620, 1641, 35 ),//Britain [East]

new Point3D( 2699, 2134, 0 ),//Buccs Den [North]

new Point3D( 2713, 2206, 0 ),//Buccs Den [South]

new Point3D( 2238, 1204, 0 ),//Cove

new Point3D( 1404, 3798, 0 ),//Jhelom [Main Island]

new Point3D( 1446, 4002, 0 ),//Jhelom [Small Island]

new Point3D( 3798, 2262, 20 ),//Magincia

new Point3D( 2480, 422, 15 ),//Minoc [North]

new Point3D( 2496, 542, 0 ),//Minoc [South]

new Point3D( 4406, 1111, 0 ),//Moonglow [West]

new Point3D( 4484, 1116, 0 ),//Moonglow [East]

new Point3D( 606, 2161, 0 ),//Skara Brae [North]

new Point3D( 614, 2214, 0 ),//Skara Brae [South]

new Point3D( 1902, 2832, 20 ),//Trinsic [South]

new Point3D( 2016, 2846, 1 ),//Trinsic [East]

new Point3D( 2901, 782, 0 ),//Vesper [North]

new Point3D( 2901, 899, 0 ),//Vesper [South]

new Point3D( 550, 990, 0 ), //Yew [Center]

new Point3D( 622, 854, 0 ) //Yew [North]


private MoveTimer m_Timer;


public ThiefGuildmasterTram()

: base("thief")


this.SetSkill(SkillName.DetectHidden, 75.0, 98.0);

this.SetSkill(SkillName.Hiding, 65.0, 88.0);

this.SetSkill(SkillName.Lockpicking, 85.0, 100.0);

this.SetSkill(SkillName.Snooping, 90.0, 100.0);

this.SetSkill(SkillName.Poisoning, 60.0, 83.0);

this.SetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, 90.0, 100.0);

this.SetSkill(SkillName.Fencing, 75.0, 98.0);

this.SetSkill(SkillName.Stealth, 85.0, 100.0);

this.SetSkill(SkillName.RemoveTrap, 85.0, 100.0);

m_Timer = new MoveTimer( this );



public void ChangeLocation()


this.MoveToWorld( MoveLocations( Utility.Random( MoveLocations.Length )), Map.Trammel );

this.Hidden = true; //Incase his arrival is seen by a player.


public ThiefGuildmasterTram(Serial serial)

: base(serial)



public override NpcGuild NpcGuild




return NpcGuild.ThievesGuild;



public override TimeSpan JoinAge




return TimeSpan.FromDays(7.0);



public override void InitOutfit()



if (Utility.RandomBool())

this.AddItem(new Server.Items.Kryss());


this.AddItem(new Server.Items.Dagger());


public override bool CheckCustomReqs(PlayerMobile pm)


if (pm.Young)


this.SayTo(pm, 502089); // You cannot be a member of the Thieves' Guild while you are Young.

return false;


else if (pm.Kills > 0)


this.SayTo(pm, 501050); // This guild is for cunning thieves, not oafish cutthroats.

return false;


else if (pm.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Base < 60.0)


this.SayTo(pm, 501051); // You must be at least a journeyman pickpocket to join this elite organization.

return false;


return true;


public override void SayWelcomeTo(Mobile m)


this.SayTo(m, 1008053); // Welcome to the guild! Stay to the shadows, friend.


public override bool HandlesOnSpeech(Mobile from)


if (from.InRange(this.Location, 2))

return true;

return base.HandlesOnSpeech(from);


public override void OnSpeech(SpeechEventArgs e)


Mobile from = e.Mobile;

if (!e.Handled && from is PlayerMobile && from.InRange(this.Location, 2) && e.HasKeyword(0x1F)) // *disguise*


PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)from;

if (pm.NpcGuild == NpcGuild.ThievesGuild)

this.SayTo(from, 501839); // That particular item costs 700 gold pieces.


this.SayTo(from, 501838); // I don't know what you're talking about.

e.Handled = true;




public override bool OnGoldGiven(Mobile from, Gold dropped)


if (from is PlayerMobile && dropped.Amount == 700)


PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)from;

if (pm.NpcGuild == NpcGuild.ThievesGuild)


from.AddToBackpack(new DisguiseKit());


return true;



return base.OnGoldGiven(from, dropped);


public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)





public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)



int version = reader.ReadInt();

m_Timer = new MoveTimer(this);


private class MoveTimer : Timer


private ThiefGuildmasterTram m_Owner;

public MoveTimer(ThiefGuildmasterTram owner)

: base(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)) //: base(TimeSpan.FromHours(1), TimeSpan.FromHours(1))


m_Owner = owner;

TimerThread.PriorityChange(this, 7);


protected override void OnTick()


if (m_Owner == null)





else if (m_Owner.Hits == m_Owner.HitsMax) // IE not in combat at all







Last edited:
Made a few changes it should work now.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace Server.Mobiles
    public class ThiefGuildmasterTram: BaseGuildmaster
        private static readonly Point3D[] MoveLocations = new Point3D[]
            new Point3D(1478, 1641, 20), //Britain [West]
            new Point3D(1620, 1641, 35), //Britain [East]
            new Point3D(2699, 2134, 0), //Buccs Den [North]
            new Point3D(2713, 2206, 0), //Buccs Den [South]
            new Point3D(2238, 1204, 0), //Cove
            new Point3D(1404, 3798, 0), //Jhelom [Main Island]
            new Point3D(1446, 4002, 0), //Jhelom [Small Island]
            new Point3D(3798, 2262, 20), //Magincia
            new Point3D(2480, 422, 15), //Minoc [North]
            new Point3D(2496, 542, 0), //Minoc [South]
            new Point3D(4406, 1111, 0), //Moonglow [West]
            new Point3D(4484, 1116, 0), //Moonglow [East]
            new Point3D(606, 2161, 0), //Skara Brae [North]
            new Point3D(614, 2214, 0), //Skara Brae [South]
            new Point3D(1902, 2832, 20), //Trinsic [South]
            new Point3D(2016, 2846, 1), //Trinsic [East]
            new Point3D(2901, 782, 0), //Vesper [North]
            new Point3D(2901, 899, 0), //Vesper [South]
            new Point3D(550, 990, 0), //Yew [Center]
            new Point3D(622, 854, 0) //Yew [North]
        private MoveTimer m_Timer;
        public ThiefGuildmasterTram()
        : base("thief")
            this.SetSkill(SkillName.DetectHidden, 75.0, 98.0);
            this.SetSkill(SkillName.Hiding, 65.0, 88.0);
            this.SetSkill(SkillName.Lockpicking, 85.0, 100.0);
            this.SetSkill(SkillName.Snooping, 90.0, 100.0);
            this.SetSkill(SkillName.Poisoning, 60.0, 83.0);
            this.SetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, 90.0, 100.0);
            this.SetSkill(SkillName.Fencing, 75.0, 98.0);
            this.SetSkill(SkillName.Stealth, 85.0, 100.0);
            this.SetSkill(SkillName.RemoveTrap, 85.0, 100.0);
            m_Timer = new MoveTimer(this);
        public void ChangeLocation()
            int r = Utility.Random(MoveLocations.Length);
            this.MoveToWorld( MoveLocations[r], Map.Trammel);
            this.Hidden = true; //Incase his arrival is seen by a player.
        public ThiefGuildmasterTram(Serial serial)
        : base(serial)
        public override NpcGuild NpcGuild
                return NpcGuild.ThievesGuild;
        public override TimeSpan JoinAge
                return TimeSpan.FromDays(7.0);
        public override void InitOutfit()
            if (Utility.RandomBool())
            this.AddItem(new Server.Items.Kryss());
            this.AddItem(new Server.Items.Dagger());
        public override bool CheckCustomReqs(PlayerMobile pm)
            if (pm.Young)
                this.SayTo(pm, 502089); // You cannot be a member of the Thieves' Guild while you are Young.
                return false;
            else if (pm.Kills > 0)
                this.SayTo(pm, 501050); // This guild is for cunning thieves, not oafish cutthroats.
                return false;
            else if (pm.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Base < 60.0)
                this.SayTo(pm, 501051); // You must be at least a journeyman pickpocket to join this elite organization.
                return false;
            return true;
        public override void SayWelcomeTo(Mobile m)
            this.SayTo(m, 1008053); // Welcome to the guild! Stay to the shadows, friend.
        public override bool HandlesOnSpeech(Mobile from)
            if (from.InRange(this.Location, 2))
            return true;
            return base.HandlesOnSpeech(from);
        public override void OnSpeech(SpeechEventArgs e)
            Mobile from = e.Mobile;
            if (!e.Handled && from is PlayerMobile && from.InRange(this.Location, 2) && e.HasKeyword(0x1F)) // *disguise*
                PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile) from;
                if (pm.NpcGuild == NpcGuild.ThievesGuild)
                this.SayTo(from, 501839); // That particular item costs 700 gold pieces.
                this.SayTo(from, 501838); // I don't know what you're talking about.
                e.Handled = true;
        public override bool OnGoldGiven(Mobile from, Gold dropped)
            if (from is PlayerMobile && dropped.Amount == 700)
                PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile) from;
                if (pm.NpcGuild == NpcGuild.ThievesGuild)
                    from.AddToBackpack(new DisguiseKit());
                    return true;
            return base.OnGoldGiven(from, dropped);
        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
            writer.Write((int) 0);
        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
            m_Timer = new MoveTimer(this);
        private class MoveTimer: Timer
            private ThiefGuildmasterTram m_Owner;
            public MoveTimer(ThiefGuildmasterTram owner)
            : base(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)) //: base(TimeSpan.FromHours(1), TimeSpan.FromHours(1))
                m_Owner = owner;
                TimerThread.PriorityChange(this, 7);
            protected override void OnTick()
                if (m_Owner == null)
                else if (m_Owner.Hits == m_Owner.HitsMax) // IE not in combat at all