I've been playing around with the script and this is what I have, but it keeps throwing and error.

private static Type[] m_WandTypes = new Type[]
typeof( IDWand)

public static Type[] NewWandTypes { get { return m_NewWandTypes; } }

private static readonly Type[] m_WandTypes = new[] { typeof(ClumsyWand), typeof(FeebleWand), typeof(ManaDrainWand), typeof(WeaknessWand) };

public static Type[] WandTypes { get { return m_WandTypes; } }

private static readonly Type[] m_OldWandTypes = new[] { typeof(IDWand) };
public static Type[] OldWandTypes { get { return m_OldWandTypes; } }

private static readonly Type[] m_SEClothingTypes = new[]

this is the error its throwing me. Not sure how to fix it since I'm learning as I go.

+ Misc/Loot.cs:
CS0102: Line 349: The type 'Server.Loot' already contains a definition for 'm_WandTypes'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
Couldn't you just remove all wands you don't want from the loot.cs? My understanding is that everything, from the lootpacks to chest spawns, pull from those lists. If you remove everything except ID wands, then you'll only get ID wands.