Hi everyone. I am trying to start up UO on my computer.
I downloaded RunUO2.3r987_Full.rar and Razor.

I login with Razor using Autodetect as the directory and localhost as the server. I even tried the server. I can connect but the UO "stops working" after a few seconds.

Any suggestions?

Does your server screen show you as connecting? also do you have your game client patched to the correct one for runuo?
Is there a reason you are using an old version of RunUO? I would suggest either using ServUO or a newer version of RunUO.
I went to the RunUO site and this was the lates download. Anyway I deleted that those files. I went to the Tutorial here. I downloaded everything and compiled everything. Then I received the following message:

Experimental Room, Puzzle Room and Maze of Death initialized.
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Art' threw an exception. ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic\artlegacymul.uop' is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
at Ultima.FileIndex..ctor(String idxFile, String mulFile, String uopFile, Int32 length, Int32 file, String uopEntryExtension, Int32 idxLength, Boolean hasExtra) in c:\Program Files\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Ultima\FileIndex.cs:line 241
at Ultima.Art..cctor() in c:\Program Files\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Ultima\Art.cs:line 15
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Ultima.Art.Measure(Bitmap bmp, Int32& xMin, Int32& yMin, Int32& xMax, Int32& yMax)
at Server.CollectionItem..ctor(Type type, Int32 itemID, Int32 tooltip, Int32 hue, Double points, Boolean questitem)
at Server.Engines.VvV.VvVRewards.Initialize()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at Server.ScriptCompiler.Invoke(String method) in c:\Program Files\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\ScriptCompiler.cs:line 667
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in c:\Program Files\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\Main.cs:line 539
This exception is fatal, press return to exit

Any thoughts on what to do now?

This is the problem your having:
Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic\artlegacymul.uop' is denied.

Running ServUO as Admin should fix it.

If it doesn't Aaron in the following thread had the same error a few days ago. It has a few other tips that could get you going if the above suggestion doesn't. His post is about half way down.
This is the problem your having:
Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic\artlegacymul.uop' is denied.

Running ServUO as Admin should fix it.

If it doesn't Aaron in the following thread had the same error a few days ago. It has a few other tips that could get you going if the above suggestion doesn't. His post is about half way down.

Is there any way you can message me?. I used to play over 12 years ago and I loved it. I loved making my own shards or joining shards as an admin and being able to have all the resources and build houses and such like that. I tried downloading the ServUO files to create a shard.. but I just cant figure it out :(
Thanks that worked! A couple of other questions.
1) Can ServUO be run with the enhanced client or am I stuck with the classic client?
2) Assuming I am stuck with the classic client, is there a way to create hot bars like in the enhanced client, to store macros and skills?
3) How can I have others in my household, sharing my LAN, open an account and play on my shard?
4) I accidently deleted a runebook in the staff runebook section (Felucca). How do I get it back?

Thanks for all the help and support!
1. I haven't used the enhanced client in years because I don't like it as well but it is supposed to work. there is a program called UO SA Loader that will let you connect with it.
2. You can create macro/hot bars in uosteam and maybe razer but I haven't used it in a long time.
3. Add an exception for ServUO in windows firewall and they should be able to connect by using your IP address.
4. [StaffRunebookReset
I will check out the answers above. Thanks. I have a couple more questions.
1) Why do I not have any spawn in my dungeons?
2) Is there a way to increase the storage of houses (I have 60% increased storage in the UO game but not on my server)
3) Is the US SA Loader on this website? I can't seem to find it.

Thanks again!
1. In game type [CreateWorld as an admin it sets up most things with a menu checkmark the things you want.
2. In Scripts\Multis\BaseHouse.cs search for BonusStorageScalar just below it you will see
return (Core.ML ? 1.2 : 1.0); change the 1.2 to what you want it to be (for 60% it would be 1.6)
3. It can be found in the following thread:
or you could try:
1. I haven't used the enhanced client in years because I don't like it as well but it is supposed to work. there is a program called UO SA Loader that will let you connect with it.
2. You can create macro/hot bars in uosteam and maybe razer but I haven't used it in a long time.
3. Add an exception for ServUO in windows firewall and they should be able to connect by using your IP address.
4. [StaffRunebookReset

4. [StaffRunebookReset ... thanks for that lol
I can get everything to work except the Enhanced Client.:(
I would like to have new players have stats over 150 in Str, Dex and Int (Family Server). I tried to change the Player Cap config file but the new player stats cap at 150. Where else can I go? Maybe they need to use a Stat Cap Scroll (though it says that their max stats is 1000)
in PlayerMobile.cs search for:
public override int Str

just below that you will see:
return Math.Min(base.Str, 150);

Change the 150 to what you want as max. Int and Dex are just below Str and would need to be changed the same way.
Everything works except the Enhance Client. Thanks Everyone!
I followed the link in Visam's post above.
This is what happened:
This is what I did:
1) Downloaded the zip file
2) Unzipped the file
3) Changed the cheese,cfg file to my IP address
4) Copied the three files to the Electronic Arts Ultima Online Enhanced folder
5) a) Double clicked the uo-ec loader. It loaded the real UO servers
b) Ran Razor and in the Load Client section pointed it to the file in 5a. My UO Data directory is where my server is and localhost as the server - I received the same Network Error above in Tasanar's post.

I'm sure there is a simple step I am missing (I hope).

so @Swunk seemed to figure it out.

He send me msvcr71.dll I put it in my enhanced client folder, and it worked. Why is that?

Maybe I need the msvcr71.dll file. If anyone has it I would appreciate a link.

Thanks for any help!
[doublepost=1489860384][/doublepost]I did the 5 steps in the above post. No matter what I seem to put in Razor it still takes me to the real UO servers.
When just click the uo-ec loader directly it still goes to the real servers.
I just can't seem to get it to point to my server.
Do I need that msvcr71.dll file maybe?

Thanks for being patient with me on this!
A couple of things while I'm trying to resolve my Enhanced Client issus.
1) Is there a way to increase the number of items my backpack holds and increase the weight it can hold?
2) Is there a way to increase the weight a container (like a bag) can hold?
3) Is there a way to increase the number of items a blue beetle can hold and increase the weight it can hold?
I still need help with the EC client and questions from my last post.
If anyone can help I would really appreciate it! Thanks.
If anyone could help with my EC client and the three questions from my previous post I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Got the EC to work. Lots of Trial and Error!
Still have the following issues:
1) Is there a way to increase the number of items my backpack holds and increase the weight it can hold?
2) Is there a way to increase the weight a container (like a bag) can hold?
3) Is there a way to increase the number of items a blue beetle can hold and increase the weight it can hold?
[doublepost=1490460089][/doublepost]Also while in the EC I cannot read the writing in the Staff Runebook. The color is the same as the background. Is there a way to change the font color for the writing on the staff runebook? Thanks again!
MaxItems should be a prop on containers
maxweight cant be set by default, you would have to edit the core
Hi. I just started my new UO server and have a few questions.

1) When creating the world I checked everything yet I have no spawn in the SA dungeon. How do I get the spawn to show up there? This problem exists in the Classic and Enhanced Client.
2) My new players only have access to Trammel and Felucca. How do they get Luna, Ter Mur and the Tokuno Islands? They have all the expansions in their real UO account.This problem exists in the Classic and Enhanced Client.
3) Is there a way to increase the number of items my backpack holds and increase the weight it can hold? it appears to max out at 125 items and 550 stones. This problem exists in the Classic and Enhanced Client.
4) Is there a way to increase the weight a container (like a bag) can hold? It appears to max out at 400 stones and 125 items. This problem exists in the Classic and Enhanced Client.
5) Is there a way to increase the number of items a blue beetle can hold and increase the weight it can hold? It appears to max out at 1,600 stones. This problem exists in the Classic and Enhanced Client.
Items 3-5 are for my Admin use only, not for my other players.

I think 3), 4), and maybe 5) currently need core edits. There's probably one somewhere for them in the scripts database.

1) and 2) sound odd. You're using recent ServUO and which configurations did you fiddle with, if any?
3) Look in container.cs for ..
Mobile m = this.ParentEntity as Mobile;
if (m != null && m.Player && m.Backpack == this)
return 550;

Change the 550 to whatever you want it to be.
Items 3-5 are for my Admin use only, not for my other players.

Well I wrote in your last thread where you asked about this how to do this, and since you dont want to globally increase the amount but just for your Admin char you wouldnt want to just do what was proposed above.

Max items is a prop you can simply edit, you could therefor modify the container.cs so that you could alter the amount of weight per prop too
Thanks for the replies!
I have the backpack issue resolved. Thank you.
I can see how to change the max items on an individual container (like a bag) but not how to change the weight so it can hold more than 400 stones.
I still need help with the Blue Beetle's max weight and items held (currently 125 items and 1,600 stones.

Is there a way that gold can stack to more than 60,000 coins?

Also I still do not have any spawn in my Stygian Abyss Dungeon.
The version of ServUO I am using is ServUO - [https://www.servuo.com] Version 0.5, Build 6283.35689.
When I use the command [Createworld I checked every box. I see "High Seas" and "Time of Legends" but no Stygian Abyss. I only see SA Decorations.

When y'all talk about core and core edits, is core a file name like core.cs?

Thanks for all the help!
Thanks to everyone for all the help!
Outstanding issues:
1) I still cannot get any spawn in the SA dungeon. I don't even get the purple spawner items. The spawn is at the entrance and the Slasher of Veils is in the correct spot but there is no other spawn in the dungeon. I downloaded the latest version of ServUO and still nothing.
2) Is there a way to stack more than 60,000 gold?
as far as I know the clients max is 65534 for stack size, rounded to 60000 for optical and practical reasons.

You may can make it so that once the stack reaches over 60k (or maybe 50k for easier math ;) ) it gives you the remainder as a stack of gold and then turns the gold into special coin or bar or simply any other item specially made for that.
you would need to alter the stacking code and make a condition to it if it is gold. Then you can do the new item. At least thats how I would do / try.
Thanks to everyone for all the help!

I still cannot get any spawn in the SA dungeon. I don't even get the purple spawner items. The spawn is at the entrance and the Slasher of Veils is in the correct spot but there is no other spawn in the dungeon. I downloaded the latest version of ServUO and still nothing.
This may be a bug somewhere. Either in the xml script for termur or calling it. I'm going through the list right now to see if any are not being placed. It also might just be a general lack of info.

Edit: There are some scattered spawns throughout the dungeon.

Edit2: Abyss Fire Ant 3 is empty (949, 245)

Edit3: Checking an old version, a lot of the 'minichamp' ones were removed. I assume that means you need to gen the minichamps.

Edit4: Yes, [genminichamp populated them.
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