Hi Community,
I downloaded servUO one week ago and as the code base is huge I would like some information on where to start?

I can't seem to find any good tutorial or documentation on servUO.

Thanks a lot in advance!

I hope to be able to start understanding servUO so I might help you out with the documentation.

Best regards,
Well first may I ask what method did you use to download ServUO? Not sure what your experience level is with Git but before you do any serious experimentation with ServUO it may be in your best interest to set up a fork (or just clone the main ServUO repository) with GIt so you can easily get updates from the main ServUO source code whenever it is updated. Also, if you find errors in the code you can fix them on your local ServUO repository and then propose they be merged in with the official ServUO repository. Setting up your ServUO through Git also makes undoing errors or bad changes you made to your own source code easy.

Just letting you know because if you don't set up ServUO through Git you will have to manually check to see if the ServUO source code has been updated and then do those changes by hand, whereas through Git it's a simple push of a button and the updates are applied.

EDIT: Here's a link on how to set up a ServUO cloned repository if you don't already know how: https://www.servuo.com/threads/servuo-for-beginners-git-github-and-you.1088/

The tutorial uses SourceTree, which I also use and it makes using Git -much- easier than command line. I suggest downloading it.
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thanks for the information.

The thing I want to do is to add some functionalities to the current server that we are running. It is a server that I haven't been involved with my self until recently but they asked me for help as I'm a C# programmer so basically I'm not looking to do any modifications to the servUO but rather extend it with some more functionalities that they require. I think I might have been unclear in my original post. Right now I'm studying the servUO software.

Best regards
Well do you have any ideas as to what type of functionalities you'd like to add? There have been MANY things done with RunUO/ServUO so it's worth your time to look and see if what you're trying to do has been done before. Lots of custom scripts have been posted either on these forums, RunUO forums, or other forks of RunUO. Custom crafting systems, taming systems, level/xp systems, quests, just about anything you can think of.

Voxpire has developed Vita-Nex, a dynamic extension library for RunUO/ServUO that adds some really cool features to the server software -- it's worth looking into. here is the site to download it: http://core.vita-nex.com/index.php

and here's a link to some videos showing off its features: http://www.runuo.com/community/resources/vita-nex-core.79/

If you're looking for some vast documentation on ServUO mapping out what functions are in what scripts or where to find everything, I'm afraid I don't think there is any. I remember finding documentation describing how to customize basic aspects of the server, but that's mainly very simple things like changing skill gain rate, renaming the shard, etc -- If you're joining an existing server they have likely done all that and they wouldn't need a C# programmer do to such things. There's a ton of information in forums like these, but they're threads on specific topics and not usually generalized documentation. Your best bet is to just find out what you want to do and search for if something similar has been done, and if not post a thread about it on here.
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