Hey there we're trying to make unlimited skilled for players to train without a limit, and I've tried this code, but it isn't working for some reason. I change it from 1,000 to 100,000, and the 10 to 100, and nothing has effect the game.

if (newChar is PlayerMobile)
PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)newChar;
pm.AutoRenewInsurance = true;
double skillcap = Config.Get("PlayerCaps.SkillCap", 100000.0d) / 100;
if (skillcap != 100.0)
for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetNames(typeof(SkillName)).Length; ++i)
pm.Skills.Cap = skillcap;
pm.Profession = args.Profession;

if (pm.IsPlayer() && ((Account)pm.Account).Young && !Siege.SiegeShard)
young = pm.Young = true;