I see a lot of posts about changing or unlimiting the house ownership on accounts. We managed to set ours to 5 hours per account, except now you cannot be co-owners of houses if you hit this limit.

I need to know how to unlimit house co-ownership. Can anyone post a fix for this? On latest version version of Serv-UO.

Thank you!
Open up Scripts/Multis/BaseHouse.cs
and take a look at the contents of this method:
public void AddCoOwner(Mobile from, Mobile targ)

That should get you started but if you still need help after that feel free to shout. :)
Hi Hank thank you so much for your help!

The problem I am running into is that we've set house-to-account limits of 5-to-1, but after a character owns 5 houses, they can no longer be set as co-owners of ANY OTHER houses. We have large families in our shard (more especially because its RP) that would need to not only own big "estates" but also be co-owners of their brothers, sisters, children, etc. etc. houses.

We'll use this reference and try to figure it out.
Maybe comment this out:

            else if (HasAccountHouse(targ))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501364); // That person is already a house owner.

like this:

            //else if (HasAccountHouse(targ))
                //from.SendLocalizedMessage(501364); // That person is already a house owner.
Lokai has your fix right there.

I also allow my CoOwners to make containers secure and release them:

So if you want that too, change this bit (!IsCoOwner) as shown:

 public void AddSecure( Mobile m, Item item )
 if ( m_Secures == null || !IsCoOwner( m ) || !IsActive )

And the release bit is a little further down:

 public void ReleaseSecure( Mobile m, Item item )
 if ( m_Secures == null || !IsCoOwner( m ) || item is StrongBox || !IsActive )
