Trying to use my custom currency MLDollar in UO store. Cant get it to recognize my currency. Do I have to add it to the Enums in the config fuile or maybe an example if im using the Custom which is already there? (Using ServUO latest)...

Store config:
# Values: None|Sovereigns|Gold|PointsSystem|Custom

# Custom uses the ResolveCurrency handler and requires additional development to implement.


# Fully qualified Namespace.Class.Method string for the target Custom currency handler method.

# Used when Custom is chosen for the CurrencyImpl.

# A target method that implements get/consume for custom currencies.

# Expected Params: Mobile user, Int32 consume

# Expected Return: Int32 

# Example: Server.Engines.UOStore.CustomClass.CustomMethod


# What do you want to call your currency?


# Display CurrencyName in the Ultima Store gump.


# Used when PointsSystem is chosen for the CurrencyImpl.

# Values:

# None|QueensLoyalty|VoidPool|DespiseCrystals|ShameCrystals|CasinoData|CityTrading

# Moonglow|Britain|Jhelom|Yew|Minoc|Trinsic|SkaraBrae|NewMagincia|Vesper

# Blackthorn|CleanUpBritannia|ViceVsVirtue|TreasuresOfKotlCity|PVPArena

If you use any custom currency other than gold, sovereigns, or points you will have to write all of the transaction code yourself. The parts that verify the funds and withdraw them during the purchase will have to be completely coded from scratch.