
Hey all, its been years since i messed with tiledata. can someone refresh my memory what i need to make doors open and shut?
Flags: Wall, Impassable, ArticleA, Door. Some are set to NoDiagonal, I don't know why. And some are set to Layer 0, sometimes 1, sometimes 2. I also don't know why.
Yes. But I don't know how it works on ServUO. I know it from sphere. They think it will be similar. It's mainly about how you script it. On sphere, there is some law for the original versions of doors, which is based on UO. I think the layer settings are related to that. But if I was adding a completely new door, I wrote my own script for it and I gave up on the sphere law. But in tiledata, the "impassable" and "door" flags must always be set. That's the basics. But here it would be better if someone who works with ServUO wrote it, I don't know these scripts and I can't do them.
thanks guys! that helps a lot! btw, anyone know what some of these newer flags are? pixel bleed, no shadow, play anim once, etc? I havent worked on this stuff since 2018 maybe? things have been added..
thanks guys! that helps a lot! btw, anyone know what some of these newer flags are? pixel bleed, no shadow, play anim once, etc? I havent worked on this stuff since 2018 maybe? things have been added..
Export csv look at other items with the flag. Then you may get an idea what they mean. No we don't know much more besides some names.

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