I take no credit for this at all just noticed it wasn't working fully so made it work and easier to install the mods
Nice work, this is shaping up, however, the items that are altered still don't carry over their attributes to the new gargoyle item.
I also believe this is to work on artifacts so the script should probably list artifacts (armor & weapons) previous to SA expansion
with correct altered Items (once the attribute problem is resolved).
Any items post SA expansion seems to contain a human version and a gargoyle version if intended.

HeartOfLion would become a GargishPlateChest with the same attributes and carry the artifact name over as well.

Without carrying over the attributes there isn't much point to this. The artifact name & rarity would be mainly to value the item & distinguish its origin otherwise it might say "Exceptionally crafted by John Doe".

[Food 4 Thought]
Should it carry over the item hue as well. Quite possibly it would also need to carry over stuff like Dyeable, ItokunoDyeable, Engraved Text
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You know when I was testing this I didn't even look at attributes.

Was simply adding a item of each type and converting it to gargoyle using alteritem.

Back to the drawing board I guess
I just would change the ItemID instead of Recreating the Item. Layer and Properties are same as before, so you could just recreate the ID ...
I just would change the ItemID instead of Recreating the Item. Layer and Properties are same as before, so you could just recreate the ID ...

I have used the advanceditemid deeds before but this is a OSI style system that i would like to create and be osi accurate as it completes another chapter being closer to EA :)
There not have CraftGump, only CraftGroupCol.cs. System don't work on last ServUO Publish.

It must be included via OnResponse for Buttons on Craftgump.If required, i can check wich Tools actual supporting Altering. Then its just a list to Compare. If Type is X it will be Y. Shouldnt be much a Problem.
CraftGump.cs ( ServUO Script from Repo ) - empty block for Alter Item
case 9: // Alter Item (Gargoyle)

Class has not Called.
Aye this isn't 100% yet, still need to make properties transferable. At present it converts the item ids accurately. I'm also not sure if it reacts to all trade menus or
by correct tool with matching skill requirement.
Aye this isn't 100% yet, still need to make properties transferable. At present it converts the item ids accurately. I'm also not sure if it reacts to all trade menus or
by correct tool with matching skill requirement.
I'm sorry. Not immediately read your message above.
I still do not know very well English, this did not read the text discussion. Decided to go directly to the script :)
But still, the script started to work - in the archive lacking mention of Alter Item.

CraftSystem.cs -> need to register: Alter Item
CraftGump.cs -> need to added call AlterItem.BeginAction method

The archive was not these scripts...
Currently this only changes the item ids for example.

You can convert a human/elf half apron so a gargoyle can wear. I'd say this part is 95% complete.

It doesn't copy over any attributes that the item previously had example. If you tried to alter a tangle it would just convert it to a half apron.

It also requires alter item deeds.

I'm renowned for starting things and never finishing especially OSI crap as I don't like OSI or clone hehe
As i know from EA ( but mybe Ruaduck can tell more ) Some Craft Genres have the Feature. Actually it would be enough, Changing the ID of Item + add for Gargoyles Only + Layer Change on a few Items. Whats maybe required is a List for each Genre what could be converted.
As i know from EA ( but mybe Ruaduck can tell more ) Some Craft Genres have the Feature. Actually it would be enough, Changing the ID of Item + add for Gargoyles Only + Layer Change on a few Items. Whats maybe required is a List for each Genre what could be converted.
Yes, it is simple and suitable option.
http://uo2.stratics.com/miscellaneous/altering-items List of Types it use and there other part.

I went Osi and looked , following Craftgenres have the altering :

Instead of making 4 Methods i would make a refering list into basecraftgump ( static) and convert if Tool is X and Type of Target is Y. You also can create Altering Scrolls by using a blank Scroll and create a RepairDeed Style Deed with following content :

1094795 : An alter service contract (~1_SKILL_NAME~)
Param0 : #1044067
1050043 : crafted by ~1_NAME~
Param0 : Testboy
1060636 : exceptional
1072788 : Weight: ~1_WEIGHT~ stone
Param0 : 1

Additional statrics says : Alter service contracts are created in the same way as repair deeds. The crafter selects ‘alter’ from the menu and targets a blank scroll. The contract can be used at a soulforge by any player.
This is only half true, i tested this by using it with a Player owning the Skill for the Contract,if he had the skill he can use everywhere.
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