I'm scratching my head because this should be very simple,

        public override void OnDeath(Container c)

            //ExplodeFX.Air.CreateInstance(this, Map, 15, 3).Send();
            var e = new AirExplodeEffect(this, Map, 15, 2);

I've tried this numerous different ways and cannot get this to work, but using the default [ExplodeFX command works as expected.

No errors, just nothing happens in game. I tried the commented out way, I tried using this.Location, and I also tried using this.Location.Clone2D() in case location was a ref and being removed when the mobile dies but that was not the case either, any ideas what I am missing?
Do it before base.OnDeath(c) because that deletes the current mobile and would set Map to null.

The alternative is OnBeforeDeath.