Does the server handle the mutating void creatures well enough now or is the old standalone system more accurate?

The core is totally different since that system was made but since my shard is in development I wanted to be sure the best option is in place while it's vacant!
I havn't used the ones built into ServUO so can't really be sure how well they work, but I think supposed to work now. You'd need to setup spawners wherever you use them.

I still use the one I posted back when. It should still work fine on current ServUO, I don't think I've needed to modify it since I last updated it on here. It should also install the same as what I posted except the section I said to comment out in BaseCreature.cs, was moved to ResourceDrops.cs so that needs commented out instead starting at line 164

        if (e.Killer is BaseVoidCreature)
