
I'm working on developing a web client for UO. Right now, I have a decent amount of the front end working (i.e., connects to the server, handles several packets, displays a lot of debugging information, and does other cool things).

It's on Github: https://github.com/kevinhikaruevans/uojs2

I've been extremely busy recently IRL and really could use help developing it.

In particular, I need to work on a standardized and versioned API that can respond with:
  • Animation sprite sheets
  • Animation sprite data (i.e., frame sizes, centers)
  • Tiledata/map data
  • Multi data
  • Localization text
  • ...and any other information that a client needs :)
For any non-images, it should respond with JSON. Performance is critical for this application, so I'm tempted to use a premade API library. I've created a Github issue here: https://github.com/kevinhikaruevans/uojs2/issues/4 (we can chat more on that thread). Things like the tiledata & animation sprite data will likely be preloaded during the initialization of the web client, and images will be loaded on demand.

I'm still contemplating whether or not to make this into a ServUO script, or to have it as a standalone server application. I'd think it'd be easier to have it integrated with ServUO, but at the same time, I think it would be better to have a separate application, so that other server emulators can use it. :)
Wow that would be awesome.

What are the main benefits of a web client?

Not having to install the UO client. :p I suppose mobile phones would be able to use it as well, as long as they support WebGL and websockets (which most already do). The memory limitations of mobile phones would be a challenge though. You wouldn't need to patch clients as well (if that's still a thing), since the server will be sending all the needed data.

Maybe down the line, there could be easy to implement plugins/addons for the web application.

I'm just mostly interested creating this because it'll be using a lot of new technologies that I'm not all that familiar with.
I remember a few years back seeing something about a web based uo client. Is this the same project or another initiative?

Making a game client is no small undertaking that is for sure. A web based client certainly does sound interesting, as well as a good opportunity to sharpen your programming knowledge.

Are you familiar with Eletron ( http://electron.atom.io/ )? It a tool too make desktop apps from web code. Take a look you, might be useful for your project.
It would just be cool. Even if it allowed users simply to log on UO and complete simple tasks or quests when away from home.

Like a UO "Companion" app. Similar to the WOW one that lets you do follower quests from your phone and it rewards in-game items and EXP.