I was messing around with decorating a bandit camp (for a quest) and I found an item "fillableBarrel". Easy enough to spawn the barrel, but I noticed it the [props that you can specify what type of container (blacksmith, weaponsmith etc...) My question is how can I tell the spawner which to fill it with?

I want it to spawn it as a blacksmith barrel so it will have the old wire spools in it.
Well...never mind :)

I figured it out finally. In the scroll icon (don't know the name) on the spawner you write FillableBarrel/ContentType/Blacksmith. That barrel has a lot of neat options.
I was happy to find the container. I was just looking around for different items - I would type [add barrel, just to see what kind of barrels. Then I saw the fillable barrel and typed [add fillable to what other fillable containers there are.... There is tons of artwork and items I have never seen ha ha

I also found the 'mark container' (recall marking pouch) like they have in the Malas Inn (forget the name). You drop a rune into it and it marks the rune for any location you set it up for. I forgot all about that, we all used it when AOS first came out and I never went back to that inn.

Lately I am having more fun playing with ServUO than actually playing with UO :)