I have a question for people still working with xmlspawner about some of the xmlspawner functions removed from the current version of ServUO.
I am specifically referring to the functions indicated in the lines below that are currently not included in the ServUO github.
if (m_Skill != null)
if (XmlAttach.FindAttachment(from, typeof(XmlData), m_Skill) == null)
XmlAttach.AttachTo(from, new XmlData(m_Skill, m_Skill, m_SkillBoostTime));//Set Data to look for next time, XmlData is by minute
XmlAttach.AttachTo(from, new XmlSkill(m_Skill, m_Skill, m_SkillBoost, m_SkillBoostTime));//+ Skill, XmlSkill is by the MINUTE

from.FixedEffect(0x376A, 9, 32);
from.SendMessage(521, "You are already under a {0} effect.", m_Skill);

if (IntBoost > 0)
if (XmlAttach.FindAttachment(from, typeof(XmlData), "Int") == null)
XmlAttach.AttachTo(from, new XmlData("Int", "Int", m_StatBoostTime));//Set Data to look for next time, XmlData is by minute
XmlAttach.AttachTo(from, new XmlInt(IntBoost, m_StatBoostDataTime)); //+ int, XmlInt is by the SECOND

from.FixedEffect(0x376A, 9, 32);
from.SendMessage(521, "You are already under a Int effect.");
if (DexBoost > 0)
if (XmlAttach.FindAttachment(from, typeof(XmlData), "Dex") == null)
XmlAttach.AttachTo(from, new XmlData("Dex", "Dex", m_StatBoostTime));//Set Data to look for next time, XmlData is by minute
XmlAttach.AttachTo(from, new XmlDex(DexBoost, m_StatBoostDataTime)); //+ dex, XmlDex is by the SECOND

from.FixedEffect(0x376A, 9, 32);
from.SendMessage(521, "You are already under a Dex effect.");
if (StrBoost > 0)
if (XmlAttach.FindAttachment(from, typeof(XmlData), "Str") == null)
XmlAttach.AttachTo(from, new XmlData("Str", "Str", m_StatBoostTime));//Set Data to look for next time, XmlData is by minute
XmlAttach.AttachTo(from, new XmlStr(StrBoost, m_StatBoostDataTime)); //+ str, XmlStr is by the SECOND

from.FixedEffect(0x376A, 9, 32);
from.SendMessage(521, "You are already under a Str effect.");
Do any of you have an idea about their restoration or have any tutorials on how to re-implement full latest xmlspawner for the current version of ServUO