Are there any examples of how to use this property in the spawner? I've been told it can be used to make spawned creatures attack each other, but I'm not sure how to use this properly. Thank you all for any help!
In props for the spawner, did you try to set each one with a different team number? Like set one team 0 and the other one team 1, they should attack if not the same team number
I tried that, and no dice. I even tried to set combatant to the team name, but it doesn't work that way.

Is that all that I'm supposed to do? Just set two different team numbers near each other?
These 2 mobs I tested no problem attacking each other one team 1 the other team 2
but I have them set both scripts to
public override bool AlwaysMurderer { get { return true; } }
huh, I tried this with a new set of spawners and it worked. Something is happening when I assign a configfile for XmlDialog that is preventing the mobiles to target each other. Looks like I need to do more testing. It should be working.
Check your XmlDialog file, because the it not only inherits the dialog you create, but it inherits EVERY property the mob has when it was originally created. I usually just add a mob first, then [props it and make all changes I need (kills, isFemale, etc), then I attach the XmlDialog. :)