Dexter_Lexia submitted a new resource:

Yahtzee - Everyone Loves Yahtzee!!!

Complete Yahtzee game, supporting from single to four players! Use the context menu on the Yahtzee dice and cup to choose game size, and start rules. Start rules can be in the order of join, random, or ordered by highest roll. I spent particular care with the yahtzee score gump for a real life feel. Score cards are saved, and you can view your score card if you want to keep it. A couple commands:

[add yahtzeeboard
[add YahtzeeStatsBoard

Additionally, you can add YahtzeeBoard to any vendor...

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I wrote it a couple years ago for Alexandria. When I first wrote it, I thought it would be easy....boy was I wrong. There is a lot more to Yahtzee than I thought!

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