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Auto-Decorator 2000 1.3

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AutoDecorator 2000

Do you like to decorate for the holidays and seasons but don't have the time?
Does the thought of taking down the Halloween decorations only to start putting up the Christmas decorations make you break down and cry?

Then the AutoDecorator 2000 is for you!

This handy device will allow you to place generic Event decorations which will display based on which event is currently active. You choose which graphics display based on ID Number

NOTE: You can have multiple decorators on your shard.
Also, when you Remove a decorator, it takes all its decorations and events with it.

Place the AutoDecorator 2000 in a location convenient for anyone with GameMaster access or higher and they can begin their decorating. Hovering the cursor on the AutoDecorator 2000 will show the ID Name, Running status, and which events are active (if it's running).
02 Main.jpg

Open the interface.
From here you can give the AutoDecorator 2000 a unique ID Name
(remember to click OKAY to save this name)
Toggle a Decorator Tool to or from your backpack.
Turn it on and off. Turning it off will return the decoration to their default placement display graphics. Turning it back on will have it re-select the active events.
Press Add to add a new event (as seen).
Test the specific event, delete the event, or open the event's properties.

NOTE: Add, Test, Props and Del can only be used when the AutoDecorator 2000 is off.
03 Props.jpg

Each property requires a name (.this is more for the person decorating than the AutoDecorator 2000)
Enter the starting and ending dates.
Apply saves this info while keeping you on the page. Okay saves and returns you to the main page and Cancel just takes you back to the main page.

ItemID Entries are the IDNumbers of the decorations to be used.
04 Biglist.jpg
05 Smalllist.jpg

The larger lists are randomized.
Each decoration for this controller, for Small / Medium / Large will choose randomly one of the 5 cells (along with its hue) of its direction.
The small lists are exactly what you get.
If you leave these cells with a 0 value, it displays with the ItemID value 0...which is a non-displayed graphic.
You can also choose specific hues for the ID Numbers....especially handy with the partial hued Items.
These are merely split up into Small, Medium, Large, Special, Garland, and Wall for sake of keeping the categories different. There's no reason why you need to only have small items in the Small list. You also don't need to follow the South and West....but as you can see in the Decorator Tool, it's still relevant.
10 DecorationEvent.jpg

The Clone option will place a copy of the event in your backpack.. This is very basic. It just displays the event name and dates of the event but it contains a copy of all the data from the event cloned. You may then take it to another AutoDecorator 2000 (or even the same one...who am I to judge), click on the OKAY and target the decorator and it'll copy itself to the Decorator's Event list.

06 Decorator Tool.jpg

The Decorator Tool

These are the 6 different categories, direction they're facing.
The Controller button opens up the Controller gump...even when you're in the field placing decorations.
These are the default decorations (located in the Decorations.cs file). These assist in placement to give you an idea what it will look like.
08 Setup.jpg

Once they're placed, you can double click on them and open up their properties.
07 Decoration Props.jpg

You can change the type and direction\status.
You can also move the decoration around, if you need to fine tune its position.

Lastly, there's the Test option, from the main page of the AutoDecorator 2000.
This will switch all the decorations for that Event.
AutoDecorator 2000 must be turned off to Test.

Lastly, the AutoDecorator 2000 Remote Interface Controller
Just place this in a control room, or whatever, and it'll allow you to goto or access the interfaces of all the AutoDecorators on the shard.
11 RemAutoDecoIC.jpg

Remote toggles the remote item, so you can access the Remote Interface in the field
Refresh will refresh the decorator list if you've added decorators while in the field. By default, this list is refreshed when you access the gump directly through the AutoDecorator 2000 Remote Interface Controller.

If you run into any issues, I will continue to support this....fairly promptly.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Latest Updates

  1. Added central controller

    Should be the final update. I added a central controller so you can access all the...
  2. Fixed a small bug I overlooked.

    Just found a small bug which I overlooked. I thought I took care of this at an earlier date and...
  3. Streamlined and fixed a few issues

    Removed the Season option. It finally occurred to me that if a shard can have multiple...

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