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Legendary Pet Base Damage Elixer 2023-12-06

First release
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Can run on RunUo or ServUo
Simple Script Which Increase a Pet's base damage +min and +max damage which shows on animal lore skill as base damage.
But there is a twist. There is a 1 in 3 chance that the pet will go wild and turn on its master and atack its master. On the plus side it will raise base damage by either +7 or +10.
I recommend not using this lightly and having this a rare drop or extremely hard to obtain.
You will need to edit the CliLoc file for some of the messages, just copy and past the message to the CliLoc number provided in script. You may need to change the item ID number also Not sure if I used a Stock ID since my art.mul is heavily custom but these are very minor edits and are easy to do using fiddler.

And as always if find any bugs or any suggestions as to game play to make things better please post its always great to get input to make things better.
I used and modified a pet elixir script I cant remember who the original author was but this was not from scratch creation so credit is not all mine so who ever did the pet elixirs thank you great jumping off point for me :)

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