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Pet Lore (RunUO 2.2) 2020-10-25

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RunUO 2.2 or any ServUO package that actually recognizes any of the code presented
When used, this player activated command allow those to scan certain tamable critters letting them know what its taming level is at in addition to how many control slots it takes up. Might not be necessary for servers trying to comply with current OSI standards, but for custom servers............................

Btw, I got into a small argument with one of my close friends and how this command was somewhat useless since the skill Animal Lore is already present in the game. At the time of making this script, while Animal Lore did in fact give info on a tamed creature's stat it did not specify exactly what skill level was needed to tame it, nor did it tell you how many control slots it took. Hence why I made this script. If this script already exists and I'm just not aware of it, let me know who originally made it so I can congratulate them for helping to make this already fantastic game just a tad bit more user friendly.

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