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Power Scroll modification 2015-01-27

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This is a modified version of Lord_Grey Wolf's modification to the Power Scroll so it works with ServUO. A player must use the lower PS of a skill before he/she can use a higher one, ie he/she must use a 105 before he/she can use a 110, a 110 before he/she can use a 115, Ect. Be warned that this only works for scrolls min/max -5 so if you are using PS 130, you must create a PS 125 Ect... All that needs to be done is to go to Items/Special/Special Scrolls folder and replace Current PS script with this one or if yours is a modified script just go to-

public override bool CanUse(Mobile from)

and add this

if ( skill.Cap < (this.Value - 5) )
string dummyvalue = Convert.ToString(this.Value - 5);
from.SendMessage( "Your current cap has to be at {0} to use this scroll", dummyvalue );
return false;

so it looks like this when finished

public override bool CanUse(Mobile from)
if (!base.CanUse(from))
return false;
Skill skill = from.Skills[this.Skill];
if (skill == null)
return false;
if (skill.Cap >= this.Value)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1049511, this.GetNameLocalized()); // Your ~1_type~ is too high for this power scroll.
return false;
if ( skill.Cap < (this.Value - 5) )
string dummyvalue = Convert.ToString(this.Value - 5);
from.SendMessage( "Your current cap has to be at {0} to use this scroll", dummyvalue );
return false;

return true;

I am a noob to this, so if this is posted in the worong place please forgive me and as I said I am noob , but I am learning fast.

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