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Random Magic Gear 2014-08-16

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Random Stats Artifacts (Random Magic Item Generation) DRAG & DROP INTO CUSTOMS

Got this idea once from reading
test [add xmlspawner ArtifactGlove set it to 15 and spawn on ground and respawn a few times to see how they change do same for others if ya want
also have a random artifact deed [add RAD it has all the gear/weap/shield/jewl/clothi i put in folder in it

everything is ITokunoDyable so it can be dyed with them dye bottles from zento
Armor Info (i didnt script up diffent .cs for them tossed each type into one .cs armor is based on leather)

*will have Random hues from #s 5 to 3000 , soild black hues here & there
*also can be 5 or 6 diffent itemids for each pisce
*resists will be random for each type from 4 to 13 just change the ColdBonus = Utility.RandomMinMax(4, 13); 4/13 to want ya want
*think like 28 diffent randoms name it can be left space keeper for ya to add ur own names in if ya wish look for //"add ur extra names here",
* ArtifactRarity random 1 to 10 !!!!!(some reason it changes the rarity everytime u move it in pack)!!!!
*can have up to 5 random stats added to it some can have 0
(its very easy to adjest the settings for the %s of stats and how offen one gets added )
example switch (Utility.Random(5)) changed to higher # for less chance to get stat added
exmaple Attributes.RegenHits = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4); the 1 is the minimal # if stat gets added and 4 is the highest it can be
(i have seen some junkers while testing 1stat with a -100luck, seen a nightsight/enchanepotions brittle)
*can have Disadvantages
50/50 chance for each of these
brittle, -100 luck & loottype cursed
(if you dont want the disadvantages to be 50% change the 2 to higher #)
example (Utility.Random(2)) is 50% change it to 4 would be something like 1 outta 4 i quess
Weapons Info (i didnt script up diffent .cs for them tossed each type into one .cs )
///1 handers in one .cs and 2handers in another .cs based off katana & double axe with usebestskill///
***wasnt sure on how to add random damage types if you know how toss up a comment for now they all have 20 each type***
*will have Random hues from #s 5 to 3000 , soild black hues here & there
*also can be 5 or 6 diffent itemids for each pisce
*chance for a random slayer
*1/4 chance for spellchanneling
*can have up to 7 stats *Alot* only end up with 3 or 4 plus damagein usebestwep ,with the way i have it set up now
*easy to change %s and rates same as in armor
*think like 28 diffent randoms name it can be left space keeper for ya to add ur own names in if ya wish look for //"add ur extra names here",
*2handers same as 1handers but with twohand id's
*can have Disadvantages
50/50 chance for each of these
brittle, -100 luck & loottype cursed
(if you dont want the disadvantages to be 50% change the 2 to higher #)
example (Utility.Random(2)) is 50% change it to 4 would be something like 1 outta 4 i quess
Jewelry Info
*think like 28 diffent randoms name it can be left space keeper for ya to add ur own names in if ya wish look for //"add ur extra names here",
* resist random 0 to 5
* two ids silver & gold pretty much the same picture when hued
* up to 6 stats but way its set up probably only ever see 1 to 3 stats on one piesce
*will have Random hues from #s 5 to 3000 , soild black hues here & there
* will have one +5 skill bonus
* 50/50 chance of 10 to 25 lowerregcost
*can have Disadvantages
50/50 chance for each of these
brittle, -100 luck & loottype cursed
(if you dont want the disadvantages to be 50% change the 2 to higher #)
example (Utility.Random(2)) is 50% change it to 4 would be something like 1 outta 4 i quess
Shield info
* has 6 diffent ids
* pretty much same set up as jewerly
*insted of 1/4 chance of lrc its 1/2 chance of spellchannel
* has same Disadvantages as rest ^^^
Clothing Info
Robes, halfaprons/obi , footware, capes
* pretty much same set up as jewerly
* diffent ids for each type in diffent .cs's -- capes/obi only have two each
*footware as 0/5 resist chances --- robes obi capes dont have resists
*clothing has low chance of stats and low %s
* clothing has one +5 skill bonus even herding tasteid and camping lol
added two monsters that drop the RAD random artifact deed
can use em if you want adject to how ya like

1 has random names 15 diffent names it can be
it body has Hue = Utility.RandomDyedHue(); // so no soild black ones so far
it will yell 5 diffent sayings at you while fighting it
bodyvalue will be random between 13 diffent id's there labeld too if u want to change em
chance to have 1 out of 3 weaponattacks
30% chance of RAD
[add xmlspawner RADM

other one i made for a joke awhile back figured id toss rad on him for this
hes based off LOTR's
name can be random from Gollum or Sméagol
he talks to ''himself'' says 7 diffent things
bodyvalue is a doubleganger or whatever that thing that wonders outside behind exdous dungeons is
chance of 3 diffent WeaponAbilitys
50% chance of a ArtifactRing & 30 for the RAD
[add xmlspawner Gollum

think that was everything if i forget anything sorry and sorry for spelling mistakes too
THANKS TO Milva's Post on Scripting Attributes - A guide Created By Hammerhand - Scripting Attributes,

Cause i copy/paste got alot of the parts like slayers & Attributes from there was nice not having to remeber spelling on them all or search thu files to find em

Hope one person at least finds this pack useful even if they change most of it,

--if anyone knows how to fix the artifact random bug letme know it changes when u move it around in pack it might just be me being sleepy lol
also if anyone knows how to make it random damage types like two 50s with a chance of sometimes one 100 that be cool too--
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