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The IcyHoarder Pack Monster Final Version 12/7/2015

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The Icy Hoarder was built using Charon's original code, then improved on it making a tamable looting monster plus more. I tested it immensely making sure no errors using both GM and normal players. Its a challenge to beat down to tame. If you kill it, there is 4 maps, level 5 and 6 2 for Trammel, 2 for Felucca. The AI and skills I put in, make it one heck of a challenge to kill let alone tame. You feed it meat to keep it tamed like other monsters. So far, no errors. Only thing I have yet to figure out is what when killed its not spawning gold. Enjoy! Put into Customs and reboot server. If your new to ServeUO, just make a directory inside your scripts folder and name it Customs. Put the IcyHoarder.cs file in the Customs, reboot and your set!

Latest Updates

  1. Last Update

    File never uploaded with post. (didn't read the small print)
  2. Final Update!!

    This is the final update for this script, unless I get feedback on any changes needed. This...
  3. Tweaks and changes

    The IcyHoarder now spawns gold, working on adding more to the loot. I also made some tweaks to...

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