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  1. sahisahi

    Is it possible to limit the players attacking an innocent?

    Lets say player ''A'' and player ''B'' attacks player ''C'', player ''C'' became invul to anyone but player ''A'' and ''B'' to prevent big ganking groups and such
  2. sahisahi

    CrashGuard.cs not sending email

    hello crashguard is not sending any email upon crash, anyone have the same issue? i put there my gmail, not sure if its the mail provider the issue thanks
  3. sahisahi

    Automatic nuke

    This script was made by @Voxpire if i recall good i would like to make it activate itself as long as it gets spawned ( constructed) i tried to add this to the [Constructor] [Constructable] public Nuke() : base() { Name = "10 Megaton IXEON...
  4. sahisahi

    Tracking small mod

    I was wondering if its possible to display the player tracking name instead of the TrackArrow :rolleyes: or the playername above the trackarrow
  5. sahisahi

    Small gump issue

    For some reason the gump doesnt show the weapon name. heres the code public singleclickweapon(Mobile from, BaseWeapon a) : base( 0, 0 ) { this.Closable=true; this.Disposable=true; this.Dragable=true; this.Resizable=false...
  6. sahisahi

    Impassable & wall flag vs LOS

    I added some custom landtile (cave) they have Impassable and Wall flags added. then i created a custom mob that do certain things on his OnThink method, theres a LOS check, for some reason mob still sending the ebolt effect through wall. Any clue? if i add Item 74 (wall) to the game the mob...
  7. sahisahi

    Damage to mana first?

    Lets say theres a spell ''mana shield'' the incoming damage goes to mana pool first, then to the health. Its this even possible?
  8. sahisahi

    Limit on Item properties?

    So im playing around with item properties i added this to my scimitar.cs public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list ) { base.GetProperties( list ); list.Add( "<BASEFONT COLOR=#FF9633>1<BASEFONT COLOR=#FF9633><BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>"); list.Add( "<BASEFONT...
  9. sahisahi

    UnicodeMessage argument error

    This is from ForensicEval skill. Original code: if (m_Corpse.m_Forensicist != null) m_Corpse.LabelTo(m_From, 1042750, m_Corpse.m_Forensicist); // The forensicist ~1_NAME~ has already discovered that: My mod: if (m_Corpse.m_Forensicist != null)...
  10. sahisahi

    Corpse.cs crash on save

    Suddenly my corpse.cs crash on save, it has to do with m_Looters Error on save: 17/12-22:44 World: Saving...Error: 17/12-22:44 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instan ce of an object. at Server.BinaryFileWriter.Write(List`1 list, Boolean tidy) at...
  11. sahisahi

    1 item doesnt block 2 stacked items blocks player

    Hellooooooooo let me explain; So i have an item lets call it ''p''. If theres a p on the way its passable, player can just pass throught it, but if theres a ''stack''' (2 p item) it blocks player path and it became impassable, hence blocks player movement. tldr: 1 p = you can walk over it. 2...
  12. sahisahi

    Permanently show character/creature names

    Is it possible to do it? just like all name works, i would like to know if this is possible and how
  13. sahisahi

    Getting rid of Warmode

    Anyone knows how to get rid of warmode? and attack by doublelicking. Thanks.
  14. sahisahi

    Disable Sounds?

    Is there an easy way to get rid of sounds? This is what ive tried; public sealed class PlaySound : Packet { public PlaySound( int soundID, IPoint3D target ) : base( 0x54, 12 ) { return; /*m_Stream.Write( (byte) 1 ); // flags...
  15. sahisahi

    Gump that refresh and doesnt blink?

    So ive seen this Talisman gump in Uoforever that refresh and doesnt ''blink'' aka close and resend, hows that possible?
  16. sahisahi

    Tooltip in gump not working

    I have tried this: My expansion is set to AOS CurrentExpansion.cs using System; using Server.Network; namespace Server { public class CurrentExpansion { private static readonly Expansion Expansion = Expansion.AOS; public...
  17. sahisahi

    All client Gumps as tiff

    So uofiddler stopped working for me. Can someone with a fully patched client export all gumps as tiff and upload them? thanks
  18. sahisahi

    Xmllevelitems level cap on a certain item

    So lets say i want to limit level on a Mythicskull to 70 i added this and is not working, mythicskull keeps earning exp after 70 public static void CheckLevelable(XmlLevelItem item, Mobile killer, Mobile killed) { if ( (item.Level >= LevelItems.MaxLevelsCap) || (item.Level >=...
  19. sahisahi

    Is this correct?

    Using xmllevelitems trying to make summoned / controlled creatures give EXP to the master. It works, just want to make sure if it is crash free or if thats even the right approach, thanks! public static void CheckItems( Mobile killer, Mobile killed ) { if ( killer != null...
  20. sahisahi

    Gumpstudio 1.8 r3 by Quinted crash

    Whenever i press Label button the program crashes it also doesnt load/import any Label, i tried to setup again the directory path and it still crash.