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  1. WarFace

    Starting to pick up and implement some Fixes

    I understand that Insanity is only one person so i have decided to help the ServUO community and start implementing some fixes along with imbuing ext... I forked the Repo so i could work on it. Insanity if you want to take a look heres a link Work In Progress - HERE
  2. WarFace

    Weekly Server Restarts? Has anyone released code for this?

    Looking to get weekly server restarts going but its in hours could i not just replace FromHours = FromDays. Or can someone release there weekly restart code in AutoRestart.cs Heres the code using System; using Server.Commands; namespace Server.Misc { public class AutoRestart : Timer...
  3. WarFace

    Only Newly created Characters Can't Melee or Wrestle

    Okay so we have had no issues with players not being able to attack monster with melee weapons or wrestling them. In the past few days something went wrong and now "Only" new created characters cant melee or wrestle at. all older characters that where created before this happend 2 days ago can...
  4. WarFace

    Linux - MONO error while starting server - Help please

    Not sure if this is in the right place but i get this error when starting up on a linux server Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...ScriptCompiler: CS8026: Invalid sdk version name Finished with: 0 errors, 0 warnings Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found...
  5. WarFace

    Custom Loyalty - Kill - Death - & Rank system removal?

    How would i go about removing this rank, kill, death, & loyalty rep system from players names. Thanks for all those who devote there time to servuo you guys are just great people.