Search results

  1. danielsheep

    Newest Valid Bodyvalue list

    Recently, UO has patched many things on event system such as Treasures of Dungeon things. Threre are lots of new graphics and anims. Champion: Holmes’ Abomination – A gigantic android rabbit How...
  2. danielsheep

    Graphics and properties of NEW ITEMS

    As I developed some recent content, I found that there was a problem with the properties of the item. I created new items and called it to the world. However, existing items recognize coordinate values in Gump, but new items do not recognize the pixel size of the graphic. For example, Short...
  3. danielsheep

    Graphics and properties of NEW ITEMS

    As I developed some recent content, I found that there was a problem with the properties of the item. I created new items and called it to the world. However, existing items recognize coordinate values in Gump, but new items do not recognize the pixel size of the graphic. For example, Short...
  4. danielsheep

    Invasion 2020 Rewards. As a reward for the 2020 invasion event, it gives a bow with a BANE option. This is an image of OSI. The bane option on a weapon cannot be crafted. The bane option in Bow, which appeared in the 2020 invasion, should not affect the...
  5. danielsheep

    Black gate chmpion don't exist.

    All the Ultima online patches have been completed to get the image of the Blackgate champion. I searched the image through Uofiddler but I couldn't find it. In order to have an event in OSI, client would have sent a patch file to the users. Is there a way to find this image? Black Gate Champ...
  6. danielsheep

    Something wrong in ItemPropertyInfo.cs

    I'm looking at the properties of Bane weapon ability these days. Looking at the ItemPropertyInfo.cs file, 'useStarndardMax' and 'useStandardMax' are being used. Maybe one of these two was a typing error? public bool UseStandardMax { get; set; } public PropInfo(int itemRef, int...
  7. danielsheep

    [OSI] Undead wedding bundle

    danielsheep submitted a new resource: [OSI] Undead wedding bundle - undead wedding bundle package for ulitima store Read more about this resource...
  8. danielsheep

    Using muiti images instead of using gump images

    Good morning or evening. These days, I'm adding new items to the UltimaStore.cs. I checked the images through UOFiddler and use them as thumbnail images. Usually, the images are checked and used from ItemID, GumpID, and Tiledata. But there are some items that have no image to use in the...
  9. danielsheep

    Does Charydbis bait no longer exsit?

    Our server player said he couldn't have Charydbis bait even though he had completed fishing quest for two months. ( Some scripts have lines about Charydbis bait, but the [add command could not create this item on the game. In fishing.cs show that...
  10. danielsheep

    Uo Store - Lack of publish 108 items

    Does anyone give me some recommandation?
  11. danielsheep

    Updating UltimaStore.cs

    Hello guys. I am trying to update newest Ultima Store like OSI these days. Several Items already has been included in servuo scripts. Howerver, these new images does not display on the store gump. The script definition value of the newly created decoration item has changed and will not be shown...
  12. danielsheep

    Not objective

    I updated my servuo 4~5days ago. After that “Not Objective” messages continue show up on compiler. Does anyone has this issue before? Please give me some clues.
  13. danielsheep

    Hello guys.

    I am not new. but this is my first time to say Hello. I have had my own shard and share it people for 6 months. Servuo forum has gave me lots of information, so I alway thank to developers. Today, I just upgrade my account to show small appreciation. Have a great day and wish you all happier day.
  14. danielsheep

    A problem for upgrading Mannequin

    Hello guys. I have been updated my servuo shard by munually. Above the update must change 46 files with 4,665 additions and 23 deletions, and I have done perfectly. After that, during the compiling, I got an...
  15. danielsheep

    Quest:Going Gumshoe cannot complete.

    'Going Gumshoe' is one of Quests that related with Khaldun dungeon(Season events). Players must visit 4 cementaries which located different town and then back to the Jasper(a NPC who give this quest) Jasper wants to copy 4 scrolls from 4 books in the cementaries. After I have done all requests...
  16. danielsheep

    Korea UO, Charon

    This is a free server made by people who love ULTIMA ONLINE. All services are free of charge, and all content provided within the game, including PVP, is unrestricted. This pre-server was built with the latest version of SERV-UO, and some of the services have been changed for your convenience...